Chased Into The Afterlife?

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[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with a new chapter! This chapter has Alastor chasing you. So good luck! Enjoy this!]

(No One's POV)

(Name) runs as fast as she can. She needs to get out of here. Who knows what Alastor will do with her if he gets his hands on her? The idea of him taking her soul. It is terrifying. She runs downhill to try and get away from him. She can hear the radio static in her ears. Feel as if electricity is tickling her back. She falls down and rolls down the hill, hitting her head. She cries out in pain. Fuck, that really hurts! She tries to get up but is soon pinned to the ground. Her head feels wet. Is she in the mud?

"Now, now darling," Alastor tells her looking down at her. "I am not typically a man to chase my prey, but I simply cannot let you go. You are mine."

(Name) stares at him, she cannot see clearly. Her head feels so full, her eyes drop, and Alastor becomes panicked.

"Don't you dare die!" He shouts. "You are not allowed to die! I will not let heaven take you!"

That is the last word she heard before everything went black.

---Entrance to the afterlife---

(Name) eyes open, and she finds herself in a DMV-like area. She walks up and stands in line. Various people in Various states are walking and getting called. She takes the number 7. She then takes a seat to be called. Soon someone calls her number, and she walks to the first desk.

"Religion, or whatever your belief or nonbelief you had." The woman says.

"I-I, what is the place?" (Name) asks, and the woman sighs. "You are the entrance to the afterlife, and all the gods from various faiths got together and made this place. The people working here are in purgatory. So honestly, I do not want to explain this to you. The religion you had in life is where you will be the one you are judged on."

"I really am not religious." (Name) tells the woman. You are to be judged by some greater power as you are not exactly... the best person. You can choose a faith now. Or you can be in purgatory while you think on it."

"I guess the religions I know most about are Christian and Jewish." The woman speaks.

"Alright." The woman stamps her file. "Please go down the stairs. Three floors down. There you will take a number and wait for judgment."

(Name) nods her head and does just that. Once there, she sees a lot of people as well. She grabs the number 666. Sitting down and waiting.

She waits, and waits, and waits some more. Falling asleep almost, and then she woke up hearing a man scream on the intercom.

"666 WE ARE NOW SERVING 666!" The man screams.

(Name) wipes her mouth and goes over. "Sorry." She tells him.

He glares and takes her file. "Well, there is a problem here." He says.

"What is that?" (Name) asks him.

"You are not dead, you are in a coma, but your file seems to have a curse on it!" He explains to her. "The only place you can go is to hell. This has never happened before. You are not supposed to be here if you are in a coma. Stay there. I got to file this into Go-"

She did not hear the man finish as suddenly the floor collapsed under her, now she was falling and landing hard on the ground. She once again hit her head, and everything went black.

[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 

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