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"FUCK OF CASSANDRA, I KNOW YOU HAVE BEEN SLEEPING WITH TODD!" Your dad yelled, tears in his eyes.
"WELL AT LEAST IM NOT A WEED ADDICT!" Your mom shouted at him, tears in her violet eyes
Up in your room you heard it all. This was normal for you, both your parents fightung at eachother. You hated it, but what could you do? You had no choice over what they did. Thank god they kept it to themselves. As for you, you loved to get away on something you have had since you were 13. What was it exactly, well, it was a magenta dirt bike. You drove it everywhere, school, babysitting, shopping, and just for fun. You had gotten it as a gift from your Grandma Susie before she died of hepatitis A. It was a sad day, she was your escape from your parents. Which was strange. Despite always fighting, the two stayed together, which made your childhood hell. As soon as you were 18, you were going to move out and live in the city and buy a motorcycle. You always loved them. In fact, you collected small toys and lined them on shelves in your room. You shared this passion with your Grandma. Surprisingly.

By now your dad was cursing, and then you heard a painful scream. He must've done something to mom. Honestly, you did not want to deal with it, so you climbed out your window, and drove your dirt bike of into the neon lights Of RingWood, FL. You were going to go to Elia's, your favorite cafe. You had always loved it there, and Elia was very nice. She quickly become your best friend. You told her all about your life, and your shitty parents. If anything, she was like a sibling.

On the way to Elia's, you noticed a strange purple man and his gang of what looked to be colorful monsters? Strange, yoi thought, as you went over near the group. Each one had a motorcycle the same color as the monster. They all had matching leather jackets that had the words 'Rainbow Friends' on the back. You giggled, what a silly name,
This caught the attention of the purple monster, and he looked at you. The second your eyes connected, a strange feeling went through your body. It was warm and tingly, you could've sworn your face heated up. The creature was so...charming...to put it.

Just then, he and the others walked over to you.
"Hello miss"
Purple's voice was deep, and it made you blush a little, he seemed very manly..
"oh hello there, I hope I didn't interrupt anything"  you said shyly
"Not at all, by the way, my name is purple, and these are my friends and gang mates. You probably saw our jackets already, we are the rainbow friends"
You giggled again at the name.
"What's so funny, purple asked.
"Oh nothing, you said"
"Oh alright, by the way, we were heading to Elia's, would you like to come?"
You were shocked, that's were YOU were going!
"Actually, I was going there, but some company would be nice, so sure."
Purple the smiled, and everyone got on there bikes and drove down to the Purplish Cafe-Plex Elia's. When everyone went inside, a short waiter with down blonde hair asked for everyone's orders.
When he came to you and purple, purple just said
"To mega macarons please, oh, and can you make them purple colored?" Purple was so polite when he asked, it made you fall deeper in love with him. Honestly, he was perfect. He was gentle and stern at the same time. The more you thought about him, the more you got lost. Eventually, the sound of purple's loud chewing broke your trance.
"Are you going to eat, Ma'am?"
You blushed in embarrassment. "Yeah, I was just thinking about someone"
The Second your tongue hit the sugary mass, you drooled. It was SO GOOD. Somehow Elia made the best macarons, and every time you ate one, it tasted AMAZING.
After everyone finished up their food, Purple paid for the bill and you all went to your bikes.
"Hey, Can I talk to you in private?"
Purple asked, then you nodded. He quickly lead you behind the cafe, and then spoke.
"I never got your name, what is it."
You blushed, "Oh, I'm [Y/N] [L/N]"
Then purple smirked, such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. You blushed when he said that, and then he spoke again.
"Close your eyes darling, I have a surprise for you"
You did so, and then you felt warm lips on yours. Your face instantly went red when you released purple was kissing you. Purple then put his long arms around your waste, and deepened the kiss. You got so lost in it, it felt magical...
Eventually you two parted, and he smiled at you.
"My darling, you taste so wonderful" he blushed, "Can we exchange numbers, I'd loved to hang out again soon.
You didn't question it, and gave him your phone as you took his. After you exchanged phones back, purple waved and went back to his gang,

☽ 𝕄𝕠𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕔𝕪𝕔𝕝𝕖𝕤 𝔸𝕥 𝕄𝕚𝕕𝕟𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 ☽Where stories live. Discover now