Demon Ethan looks for multiple fandoms and possible fire emblem rps

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i dont own these images nor the designs but i think they look cool if he wasnt demon king but rather transformed into a demon via blood transfusion of muzan/demon blood cells 

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i dont own these images nor the designs but i think they look cool if he wasnt demon king but rather transformed into a demon via blood transfusion of muzan/demon blood cells 

Demon!Ethan's love interests

Silver snow or Verdant wind paths for 3 houses:Rhea aka the archbishop (Reason for this i thought of his existence alters the timeline slightly which involves breaking Rhea free from enbarr or preventing her own capture which i think the thought of someone who is a holy figure in fodlan saved by some academy student she knows but didnt expect him as a demon :D)

Azure moon path :Ingrid

Fire emblem Fates:Female corrin

Personality as Demon!Ethan

in 3 houses:absolutely despises himself to the point he avoids professor byleth,his chosen house he has classmates with and even his own love interest since being in demon form brings back bad memories since as if fate would cruelly torment him yet again he got turned back into a demon forcefully against his will which brought back his abilities from his past life world aka the world of demon slayer /kimetsu no yaiba

fire emblem fates:same as before except more aggressive and violent tendencies if you call him weak he will lash out provoked 

Sun breathing mastered or not?:definitely mastered as a way to move past his past life sins as he has access to all 13 forms of sun breathing combined with his blood demon art

Abilities of Demon!Ethan:demon regeneration via the blood cells, the third eye actually grants him the power of the transparent world which allows him to see his enemies bone structure,organs and blood flow, he has already awakened his demon slayer mark which it's pattern is like tanjiro's and yoriichi's demon slayer mark pattern on his forehead near his normal right eye

Weakness:if you cut him with a nichirin sword or katana you have to go for his neck otherwise he is basically immortal with his regeneration and once he dies via the neck cut he will turn into a pile of ashes and dust

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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