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"You make me wanna punch you"

"Do it if you're so brave"

Kalan'ii POV

Location: Brown Household (LA)



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"Hey guys welcome back to another video it's yo girl Kalan'ii aka Karma and today I'm going to be doing and grwm then I'm going to target and then come back home to do a q&a but first I have to go pick Donte up because he doing this with me so let's do this" she says putting the camera on the counter

"Alright I'm finna do my hair then I'm gonna show yall my fit later" she says starting to brush her hair " so yall been asking what's going on with me and ole girl" she says looking at the camera popping her neck "so when me and tictac was battling she kicked me on purpose because she was losing then she pushed me" she says continuing her hair "yall also was asking me what was Tommy was saying to me" she says getting on her phone.

"He was basically telling me not to let her get in my head and to keep dancing and that's what I did" se says popping her neck again "anyways Donte calling me so ima get back to yall later and when I get back my hair is gonna be done and ima have my clothes on so see yall later" she says turning off the camera and answering the phone "wsg Kay Kay" he says putting his face in the camera.

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