How It All Began...

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A camcorder turned on revealing it's holder. A boy who had brownish-blonde hair who's at the age of 17 years old. He had blue eyes and wears a dark blue hoodie, he cleared his throat and takes a deep breath thus started talking:

K.P.: *Clears Throat* "Hello, everyone! Welcome to my 'Acer Recollection' tapes! So today, I'm with someone who you all hadn't heard of. And that pal is none other than Andrew P. Long!!! Hey Andy, say hi to the camera...~!"

A young man in wearing a maroon sweatshirt and had red and dark red striped pants, had a mid length black hair with his right eye hidden in his short bang. He was about 20 years old by appearance. He then looks at the camcorder with a shocked confusion look on his face. He then did as what the influencer says whilst telling him this:

A.L.: *Looks At The Camera* "Oh! Hello, everyone...!" *Looks Back At The Holder* "Kane, you know we came here to take a walk here....! You're giving me quite the embarrassment here..."

K.P.: "Sorry, but I was only doing this for going down memory lane, you know..."

A.L.: "Alright, you thirsty...?"

K.P.: "Yeah... I think I'm getting exhausted from this heat.... Can you buy them at that stall over there?"

A.L.: "Sure...! I'll get you some lemonade. Be right back!"

K.P.: "Sure thing...!" *Looks At The Camera* "Alrighty, let's take a view around Acer Park while sitting here waiting for my friend, Andy coming back...!"

A While Later...

Kane then decides to take a walk but realized that it had been a minute since Andrew said that he'll be back with drinks. And so he decides to go to that nearby stall he mentioned when suddenly, he caught up something that would scare him forever...

He caught....

His pal, Andrew...

Getting kidnapped...

On camera...!!!!!

While hiding behind the tree!!!

This scares Kane and He literally just stood there, hiding behind the tree holding up his camcorder while watching his friend Andrew getting kidnapped by a intruder in black. He decided to stop recording for the rest of the day and hides the tape in secret... Hoping that no one even in FPISA knew what happened to Andrew that day...

One Night Later...

A Young lad in a baby blue dress having fake rabbit ears and tail around her was about to take a walk back home until he felt one of her rabbit ears twitched as if they heard a noise. He followed that noise onto an abandoned house. He can't hear the noise when she gets closer towards the house and opened the door. She looked around for some switch to turn on until he found one and flipped the switch on. What he then saw made her wanting to run away but couldn't. Henceforth, she started yelling in fear.

C.H.: "OH MY GOD!!!"

She cannot believe it....

His one and only supportive friend of hers...

Is dead.

She called 911 and that they'll be on their way to the scene.

This is how it all began.........

The Cold Murder Case of Andrew LongWhere stories live. Discover now