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What is life?
How can you love with a broken heart?
How can you fly with no wings?
Sometimes the people you love the most hurt you the most.
Some say love gives you happiness but how can you be happy when everything is sad?
When the world is black and white how do you see colour?
When you're in the dark how can you see the light?
We put our trust in people but can we really trust them?
They say that they are your friends but are they really?
I liked you, cared for you and one day I hoped that you would too.
The sad thing in life is that not all dreams come true.
The sleepless nights you spend imagining, dreaming of that one thing
That one thing that is not me.
Do you spend all of your time thinking about it?
Because I do.
Do you cry yourself to sleep at night?
Because most nights I do.
I have tried and tried to get closer to you but you always push me away.
A piece of my heart breaks everyday.
Every time I saw you with her I just wanted to cry and I wished that that was me.
I wanted to know why?
Why you liked her and not me.
You will never understand just how much you meant to me.
I thought about you right before I went to bed and when the first Rays of light lit up the early morning.
You were like the rainbow after the storm.
Like the day after the night.
Like the light after the dark.
Every time you laughed I couldn't help but feel happy inside and every time you smiled I smiled too.
Every time I looked into your eyes I just melted,
You were the thing that made me feel happy for days.
But maybe I was wrong.
Maybe you were the storm and not the rainbow,
The night not the day,
The darkness not the light.
You covered my eyes, I couldn't see what was really underneath.
I was blind.
All of the good things outshine the bad.
I guess that's what feelings do to you.
I thought you were different from the rest.
I was wrong.

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