karmic retribution

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In the depths of night, when the world is splayed,
A silent battle, a choice must be made,
Will you succumb to despair's icy grip,
Or rise above, let your spirit take a trip?

2 am, the hour of darkness and tears,
A time when sorrow dances with fears,
But within you, a fire starts to ignite,
A spark of resilience, refusing the night.

Gone are the days of surrender and sorrow,
A warrior is born, like a phoenix tomorrow,
Through growth and pain, you have found your way,
No longer a victim, you're ready to slay.

Loneliness, a heavy cross to bear,
But you've learned to embrace it, become self-aware,
In solitude's realm, you've discovered your worth,
And found that self-love is the ultimate re-birth.

Against those men who call you "slutty" in vain,
Who can't bear to see you unbridled and untamed,
You stand tall and strong, a force they can't quell,
Your spirit shines brightly, a tale to retell.

For it's not their approval you seek or desire,
But to own your own body, your own inner fire,
You defy their attempts to confine and control,
A sovereign soul, steadfast and whole.

And amidst this journey, you are not alone,
For friends surround you, their support a throne,
They uplift and embrace you in your darkest nights,
Through their love, you find strength to fight against thy plight.

So, dear warrior, don't cry at 2 am,
Fight back against darkness, show them your gem,
Your growth, your pain, your resilience so grand,
Illuminate the path for others to understand.

You are a beacon, a warrior unyielding,
Through trials and tribulations, you keep on building,
A life free of conformity, just your own truth,
Rejecting the shadows, embracing the youth.

So, at 2 am and beyond, let not tears flow,
For you, dear warrior, have come to know,
The strength that resides within your core,
To conquer the battles, forevermore

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