chapter 4

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Rathod Royal palace, Rajasthan (jodhpur)

Raj Rathod's face lit up with excitement as he entered the house, clutching a parcel in his hand.

Raj Rathod: Hey, Ridhima, guess what? Today we received a parcel from the maids.

Ridhima Rathod: (intrigued by his excitement, turned her attention from her task to him) Oh, really? What's in the parcel, Raj? she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Raj Rathod: (A warm smile spread across Raj's face as he opened the parcel, revealing an elegantly designed invitation nestled inside) Well, I opened it up, and inside, there's an invitation to the Maha Puja organized by our family friends!

Ridhima Rathod: (Ridhima's eyes widened with surprise, and her curiosity deepened.) That sounds wonderful! When is the puja, and where?

Raj Rathod: (Checking the invitation) It's happening next week at the maha shiva temple in the sheeshmahel. I think it would be great if we all attended together.

Ridhima Rathod: (Ridhima's enthusiasm matched his as she responded) Absolutely! We should definitely go as a family. It'll be a nice opportunity to connect with our friends and attending the puja.

Raj Rathod:( Nodding in agreement, Raj added) I thought the same. The invitation has all the details, and I'm really looking forward to it.

Ridhima Rathod:  Thanks for letting me know, Raj. It's wonderful how our family bonds are strengthened through these events.

Raj Rathod: Definitely, Ridhima. I'll make sure to arrange everything and inform the kids too. Let's make it a memorable experience for all of us.

Ridhima Rathod: (Ridhima's appreciation for his thoughtfulness was evident in her words.) Sounds like a plan! I'm already looking forward to it.

Ridhima, eager to share the exciting news with the rest of the family, quickly took a photo of the invitation and sent it to their family WhatsApp group. She accompanied the image with a message that conveyed the essence of the invitation and the plans they had discussed earlier.

"Hey everyone," Ridhima's message read, "Guess what Raj received today? An invitation to the Maha Puja organized by our family friends! It's happening next week at a local temple. Let's all attend together and catch up during dinner tonight to discuss the details."

Her nimble fingers tapped the "Send" button, and the message was promptly delivered to the group, complete with the image of the invitation. The family members, scattered across their daily activities, would soon receive the exciting update, igniting their anticipation for the upcoming event. Among them was Aditi, who received the message on her phone but didn't seem to share in the general enthusiasm. but Why?

Later that evening, as the family gathered around the dining table for their meal, the topic of the Maha Puja invitation naturally arose. Ridhima brought up the subject, her voice filled with excitement, and recounted the details of the event. While others chimed in with their thoughts and ideas, Aditi remained somewhat reserved, her demeanor indicating a lack of enthusiasm.

Despite Aditi's muted reaction, the rest of the family exchanged their excitement, discussed possible arrangements, and shared anecdotes about previous similar events. As the conversation flowed, a sense of shared anticipation and togetherness continued to grow among the Rathod family, despite Aditi's subdued response. Aditi's restrained response didn't go unnoticed by her father. He recognized her lack of enthusiasm and decided to address it in a gentle and supportive manner, either during dinner or later, to understand her perspective better and make sure she felt comfortable.

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