Ride to the countryside

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The next morning...

The sun peeped through the curtain that were purposely kissing the floor. It was morning already but Ariana was still fast asleep. She only woke up after hearing series of knocks on the door, she held her head that was  throbbing painfully and stood up.

"Who's there?"she asked as she walked to the door, she opened it to meet Archer already dressed with two luggage one on each hand.

"Hey love, good morning." Archer said.

She felt her cheeks burn as she smiled broadly. "Morning," she said, her eyes met the luggage and she felt her heart shatter. The thought of she leaving Archer made her heartbroken, she wondered what would happen to him on her absence, what if people attack him? What if her former fiancee comes and attack him? She knew he was more than capable of handling the situation and defending himself but also he hasn't fully recovered from the incidence with Vinsensu and his crew.

"Archer." She called softly. "Archer I'm scared."

"Scared of what? Don't you trust me? Carl is also with you." Archer assured.

"Not that."she said, tears Welling up in her eyes. Archer led her to the bed and sat her down, then the tears had already started flowing uncontrollable. He used his thumb to wipe away her tears and hugged her. "You don't have to cry." He whispered. "Everything would be alright."

"What about you? Who would be here with you?" She asked. "Who'd clean your sore and attend to everyone of your wounds and needs?"

"Donald is here."

"Donald?" That made her break the hug. "I thought..."

"He's been with Carl all these while and soon he'd be coming, I think before you guys leave."

She didn't know what made her cheer up a bit, seeing Donald or the fact that someone would be here with archer.

"Ya sure you'd be fine?" She asked one more time. He nodded and gave her one of his best smiles .

"Here. Let me help you pack up, you're supposed to do this yesterday but I decided not to bother you as you seemed tired."

"Alright." The duo did the packing together cherishing every moment.

A black car cake to an halt in the garage, Donald came down and gracefully walked to the house, Ariana, Archer and Carl were already waiting and soon they saw him they ran to him and hugged him except Carl who stood back ahs just smiled.

"Hey kiddo cone join us." Donald invited but Carl shook his head,archer immediately understood what was happening and went to Carl to whisper. "if it's about that stuff, Donald gas already forgotten and forgive you." Carl was happy for that. He smiled and nodded before joining on the hug.

Carl felt warm in the cuddle which lasted for minutes and each of them' face were already wet. When they finally separated they burst into laughter that got more tears flowing down. Archer felt like a new being, he'd never been involved in an emotional situation, all he did was kill and kill and hear the cries of the innocent ones he'd killed. He always felt like a sinner, the biggest one in the world, he hated himself fur that and felt like he didn't deserve love but ever since he met Ariana Grande... It hasn't been the same.

"I'm back now Kiddos, I'm back." He said and cleaned his eyes. "Everything would be okay soon." He felt like a father they never had. A dad unlike Mr Reynolds. A dad who cared about his family and they're just one cute small family.

"It's so sad Ariana and Carl are leaving today but it's for the betterment of this little family of ours." Donald said. "You guys should leave now, I have this bad feeling something is about to happen."

"Sure," without hesitation they obeyed and put their luggage in the car's trunk. Carl hopped in and Ariana did same beside him. He turned on the car's engine and after waving them, the duo drove out.

"I'll miss them." Donald said.

"It'll soon be over." Archer said and the duo turned to leave when a car drove in with so much speed. Before it stopped Ariana's ex fiancee hopped out with some other guys that seemed like his men.


Ariana stared at Carl as he focused on the road, he looked so cute, hands in the steering wheel. He noticed she'd been staring so he turned. Though he thought the red shades on his cheeks wasn't visible she could see it clearly. He was blushing but why was he?

"Hey, what?" He said not sure if what to say.

She burst into laughter at his voice. "You're funny, you know huh?"

"Yep! I was called the funny Carl back in high school."

"Ahem." She faked clearing her throat. " Funny Carl." She mocked.

"Hey, I'm serious." He said turning to her and focused back on the road still keeping that smile.

"Yeah, I didn't say you were lying. So you agree your conscience is judging you?"

"No!" Carl said " and you're the one who first said I was funny."

'' it was a slip of the tongue okay." Carl nodded and turned to her. Now he saw the reason archer was so into her, she had thin lips, cute eyes and sexy curves.

"You're beautiful" Carl quipped.

"Thanks." She blushed.

Heyyy🥰 I know my parts are usually kinda short these days and I apologize if you're angry😢 hope you guys enjoyed reading and had a nice day❤️

"You thought you'd get away Archer Reynolds?"

Your author cares#karo Godwin#

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