"Im in love with a crimeal"

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Toms POV:

I walked to my car and opened the door for Katherine. She got in and I went to the other side

And got In we started our cars and drove to the destination. I stuck my hand out the window and signaled a race we lined up

And I put my hand down saying go I pushed the gas pedal me coming in first bill was on my tail.

"You almost ran over that girl " Katherine giggled looking out the window. I smacked my hand and her tight and squeezed it.

She grabbed my hand and I pulled my hand away and on top of hers. I started to go up on her leg getting under her skirt than going down.

She caught her breath and I smirked and got lost in her eyes "you losing" she said and my eye fling to bill in front of me I changed my gear and passed bill.

We got closer to akis house i signaled them to slow down we would get caught by our loud engines "Tom turn in there" Katherine said

I turned in and the boys followed we got out. Katherine was beside me but a forward as well.

"What's the plan" Georg asked "I already said we sneak in and kill him" Katherine said "you can't be that stupid" bill laughed

"Trust me, and I'm not looking for a fight but if a fight they want we give" she smiled "why would I trust you how do we know your no setting us up" bill asked

I glared at him but he didn't see "you shouldn't" she smirked and walk to the beginning of the aly

I watched her. She lit a cigarette stuck her fingers in her mouth and whistled she walked back to us "alright help is on the way" she said

"Help" I ask georg pulled a gun "I knew it was a trap" he yelled "calm down" Kayla said and than four big dogs came running they looked like they wanted to pounce on us.

They got the dogs and put them on leash's. "What are they for" gustav asked and Katherine huffed "maybe we should do this our selves y'all seem to only trust each other" Katherine said and the girls walked away

"Katherine" I said with a little shout "yea" she shouted I looked to the boys and they walked up to them and apologized.

I saw them smile

We all walked to the entrance of the house with hoods. Katherine walked up to the guards with two dogs

And flirted with them it got me angry.

Jass went with her and grab one of the dogs that kath had. The girls kicked them bringing them to there knees. They unleashed the Dogs and they started to tear their face up.

They came back to us and called there dogs "so i was thinking y'all go through the window and I'll got through the house." Katherine "asked"

"Yea that's good we can un alarm anything and watch cameras" Kayla said turning to the boys and the boys turning to me "one condition" I said

"and that is" lizzy asked "I'm coming with Katherine" I said and she nodded "then I'm coming to" bill said

"Me to" lizzy said "you can't trust me bill" Katherine asked bill who shook his head no

"No we should go alone a smaller group is a better group" i said and bill looked at me and we stared at each other until he nodded

Katherine left and I followed. She took out a tool and opened the door she looked to me and grabbed my cheek

She put a mic so the gangs would be able to talk to us.

"We're in" Katherine said into her watch i closed the door and we walked with lizzy telling us where to go.

Many people passed us but Katherine smiled at them so they wouldn't think of anything

"Akis wife coming your way" I heard Lissy say "fuck" Katherine whispered

I grabbed her and pinned her to a wall I put my hoodie over my head and her head was in my neck. Covered

"Your good" we heard and continued to walk. We got to some big doors and Katherine did a "secret" knock

I heard gustav "why is there only one knock what did she do to him" and I heard a bang and guns being cocked.

Katherine stepped back and kicked to door open showing us both

She saw gustav pinning a gun in to lizzy a head so she pulled her gun.

"Drop her" she said coldly gustav did so. And they all put there guns away.

"What's going on" I asked "nothing" gustav looked down. "Don't fight y'all are in a mission" Katherine said

She closed the door "hmm Kayla jass" hey looked at her "yes boss" they said "get high ground" and they nodded

They jumped out the window and climbed the top "gustav georg go with them" gustav was my sniper georg was good at high ground

They followed Kayla and jasmine

We heard footsteps and hid behind the closed doors with our guns.

(TW⚠️: gory)

Aki walked in with about six men.

Katherine and lizzy kicked the door closed and bill locked it.

I started sooting the men my bullet going through two of the guys "Tom!" I heard kath shout

She kicked a guy to me and I shot him I was out of ammo "OUT" I yelled "OUT" bill shouted

I saw kath ran out. She looked to lizzy and they took out knifes

Lizzy stabbed one man and twisted the knife
Kath slit the last man's throat.

"Nice work" I smiled "don't there no aki" lizzy said looking around. I looked to akis desk and went around "found him" he was hiding

I grabbed his neck and punched him multiple times then threw him to bill who kicked his ball and stepped on him

Kath and lizzy picked him up and sat him in his chair "this is for my dad" lizzy said and cut his wrist.

"This is for my uncle" kath said and stabbed his other hand

Me and bill looked at each other smiling

This was kinda very hot

"This is for us" kath said and they both stuck the knife in his neck and twisted it. Pulled is out and seeing the blood pour out. I smiled

She sighed "let's go" lizzy said and jumped out the window bill followed.

I walked to kath and kissed her she kissed back "touch me" I said in the kiss "my hands are bloody" she said

"I don't care" I kissed her and she put her hands on my neck and I lifted her and slammed her on the wall

She groaned out of pain but squeezed my waist with her thighs "Tom let's go" she said and I groaned but kissed her one more time making her smile she jumped out the window and me after.

1172 words

Ride or die


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