Untitled Part 1

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Elizabeth curled up on her blanket while sipping a warm hot chocolate; she sat perched next to her pile of cuddly stuffed animals. Liz eyes were fixed to the TV, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle had just solved one of the many problems in Ponyville. To this, she celebrated in her head. Her younger sister Rhianna shammed her for liking My Little Pony at an age of 15. Rhia who was only 12, loved to watch horror movies.

Liz laid back against the wall, she closed her eyes and imaged how cool it could be if she was a pony. Everything is so peaceful in Ponyville, so quiet, so-

"Aaaahhhhhhhh!" she heard Rhia scream. Liz jumped up, heart pounding, and ran into her sister's room. Rhia sat crouched up in a ball on the floor; she stared at her laptop that sat across from her. Liz crouched down next to her sister but Rhia's eye's where fixed on the laptop screen, she turned her head and look at the laptop screen but there was only static. Liz shook her sister but she did break eye contact. "Rhianna, Rhianna!" she shook her sister, but Rhia still didn't flinch.

Liz though about calling for help but it was late and her parents where in India for the rest of the week. She was powerless, for the first time in Elizabeth's life she was powerless to do anything. She jumped up and ran though the dark corridors until she got to her parents room where she picked up the phone and dialled triple 0, but as she put it to her ear all she could here was static.

Liz dropped the phone and ran to her room where she picked her phone but all her screen showed was static. She raced back into her sister bedroom but all it was a static black hole, her sister merged in. "Rhianna!" she screamed but there was no response.

The static black hole slowly crept out, Liz was filled with thought and for a second, the world seemed to stop. If she stayed with her sister, she would sure be turned into static, and if she ran, she just might have a chance...

She leaped down the stairs, tears dripping down her face; she was horrible for leaving her sister but she had no chose. She pulled to a halt in front of the entrance door, she pulled open the door but outside was static, everywhere. Liz turned but the house was now static, static was everywhere! and then-

Liz jumped out of her bed with a jolt, she was covered in sweet, but this didn't bother her; it was only a bad dream.

It was light outside, she reached her hand over to her phone on her bed side table to check the time but on her screen, there was nothing, just static...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2015 ⏰

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