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Later that same day, Y/N returned home where his mother was outside tending to her garden. Catching a ride on a LexCorp truck, he walked up the stone walkway towards his childhood home.

The dog, Dusty, started barking and running towards Y/N which caught M/N's attention, she smiled and waved at her son as he approached which he reciprocated.

M/N: Well look at you!

Y/N chuckled as he hugged his mother before they began walking up to the house.

M/N: An agent from SHIELD came by here

Y/N: She's a friend, don't worry

Y/N went on to talk about how he found his biological parents and where he came from, M/N was happy for her son but was also worried about what would happen if the world found out about him. Y/N comforted his mother reassuring her that he wasn't going anywhere.


Director Nick Fury walked into the astrometric lab of the tower, being greeted by Dr. Bruce Banner, Dr. Emil Hamilton and Secretary Alexander Peirce. 

Fury: What am I looking at Doctor? Comet, asteroid?

Bruce: Comets don't make course corrections Director.

This caught Fury's attention, they hadn't had to deal with an out of world incident since Loki. 

Hamilton: We wanted you to see this before an amateur with a telescope created a worldwide panic.

Hamilton switched the viewscreen to show what looked to be a spacecraft of some kind near the moon.

Bruce: The ship seems to have put itself in a lunar orbit.

Fury: Have you tried communicating with them?

Bruce: Well they haven't respond yet but we'll keep trying.

Fury: I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say whoever is at the helm of that thing is looking to make a dramatic entrance.

He then turns towards a SHIELD agent guarding the door

Fury: Contact The Avengers and tell them to rendezvous at the Helicarrier.

H/T A few hours later.

Y/N grabbed a drink out of the fridge as he watched the football game on the tv, he just finished washing dishes and was winding down now. M/N walked backwards towards the house while looking up at something in the sky.

M/N: Y/N!

Y/N: Yeah?

He put the towel that was slung over his shoulder on the counter before heading outside, he looked up at the sky and using his enhanced vision focused on the object in the night sky. It took a moment but he recognized the ship design from the information from the Kryptonian ship, but that shouldn't be possible.

While on the Helicarrier which was somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, Nick Fury, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Maria Hill, Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff sat at the big table on the bridge discussing the possible alien threat. 

Steve: So we haven't been able to establish any contact with them?

Bruce: We've tried multiple times but received nothing back

Clint: Maybe they're just surveying us?

Steve: Possible, but we should still keep our guard up just in case.

Fury, Natasha and Maria all looked at each other as the debate continued, suspecting they may have an idea who might be on that ship. Natasha had already talked to Fury and Maria about Y/N and was adamant that he was here to do good.

Suddenly all the screens and lights on the Helicarrier went out, thankfully the propulsion systems remained operational. After a few moments the screens became static while back at the L/N Farm the lights went out and the tv went static for a bit before a voice come through the speakers.

You. Are. Not. Alone.

The broadcast went all over the world, every tv, every smartphone, computer, radio etc. translating in every language before the silhouette of a figure appeared in the static

Zod: My name is General Zod, I come from a world far from yours. I have traveled across an ocean of stars to reach you. For some time now your world has sheltered one of my citizens, I request that you turn this individual over to my custody.

Fury and Natasha looked at each other, worried that this may have to do with Y/N

Zod: For some reason he has chosen to keep his existence from a secret, he will look like you but he is not one of you

Y/N turned to look at M/N who had a worried look on her face that she tried to hide when her son looked at her.

Zod: For those of you who may know of his current location, the fate of your world hangs in the balance. To Kal-EL I say this, surrender within 24 hours or watch this world suffer the consequences.

The lights and screens all returned to life on the Helicarrier before the Avengers all looked at each other, stunned and without any clue what to do.

The tv then shut off before the lightbulb in the kitchen exploded scaring M/N causing her too dropped the basket of fruits and vegetables on the floor, Y/N quickly went over to comfort her while his head was still reeling. 

How was this possible? 

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