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Ah, Los Angeles, California. The hometown of Hollywood, the film capital of the world. All the hustle and bustle, the cars moving along on the roads and freeways in tight-knit packs, the people flocking in droves to go places, wherever they want, whenever they want. However, one of these places is where our story begins.

At Saint James Middle School, one dull, gray afternoon, two tween friends in their respective school uniforms; one, a girl with short, shiny black hair with a green barrette on the left side, who wore a small crest that read SJMS on her gray hoodie, and a bigger one on the back, a green skirt, white socks, and brown shoes, and the other, a boy with a flaming red mullet with curtained bangs parted from the center of his head, and green eyes, who wore the same crest on the center of his shirt with a yellow collar, dark tan capri pants, gray dress socks, and shiny black loafers, and a brown tweed collarless jacket, were walking down the hall to lunch, when the boy suddenly broke away from the other, telling her "I'll be back." Before she could respond, he started walking hastily in the other direction, and she instinctively followed him from behind.

Down the hall, a fair-skinned girl with light skin and ginger hair braided into pigtails, freckles, and a gap in her top teeth, who wore a backward-facing purple baseball cap, a blue hoodie, and a salmon-pink skirt, white boots with black soles and thigh-length dark brown socks, and a mahogany backpack. Her hoodie also had an SJMS crest, and she was looking behind to see if anyone was watching, but no teachers or other faculty were in sight, so she decided this was it. She was going to have a go for the teacher's lounge, which was empty and dark, and see if there was good food in the teacher's fridge to snag for herself.

"Hey!" said a voice. The ginger-haired girl spun fast to see a red-haired boy in a brown tweed collarless jacket and yellow-collared uniform and a Taiwanese girl behind him with a hoodie and green skirt coming her way. "What do you think you're doing?" The boy asked reproachfully.

"It's none of your business, Bernstein." said the ginger girl rudely.

"It's BURNSTEAD, Maggie. How would you like it if Sasha called you 'Margot'? You wouldn't, would you?" The boy scolded.

"Who cares? It's not like Boobchuy would care if she saw me go in there."

"Don't call her that!" said the boy. "Now unless you want me to get Sasha to ban you from the party she's hosting next week, Maggie, I suggest you get away from the teacher's lounge and get to lunch."

Maggie stammered angrily before grumbling and walking away.

"OMG, you handled that SO well, Georgie!" said the Taiwanese girl ecstatically upon seeing her walk away. "Truly savage."

"I wouldn't say that..." George chuckled. "So, you got any plans after school, Marcy?"

"Well, I got an SAT coming up, so I'll be at the library unless there's something else going on," Marcy responded. "What about you?"

"Ehh, nothing really." George sighed. "I guess I'll just be in my room, just thinking... or going on my usual afternoon walk around the hood... and that's really about it..."

"Okay, if something comes up, I'll let you know, Georgie." Said Marcy, getting on her way. "Byeeeee!"

"Buh-bye." George waved sadly. He went on his way to where his next class would be, wondering where their other two friends were now, assuming they were out doing something stupid.

Later that afternoon, in a public library, Marcy was studying for an SAT, as she said she would be, when her phone buzzed, and she read the texts that appeared on her lock screen. It said, "Stop studying ya nerd" Another one popped up after that, "IT'S ANNE'S BDAY!" "MEET US DOWNTOWN"

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