Theoron: king of Venturis

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Theoron, ruler of venturis. Dirty blonde hair that stuck out in all directions, dark eyes that could pierce the soul of even the most hardened of people. With the exception of his brother, Haelios. Theoron was a handsome man, but his face was sad, stony almost. He showed all the signs of someone who had undergone great hardship in his lifetime.
From a young age Theoron was prioritised despite being the younger child, due to the increasingly worrying way his brother was behaving. Once the civil war broke out, when Theoron was a mere boy, barely a teenager, his life was shaken up even more severely. After years of fighting the kingdom broke into two halves like a mirror cracking. As the younger child Theoron was not in line to inherit either kingdom, but his parents made the decision to give him not only one of the two halves, but the larger, wealthier half, Venturis.
Theoron and Haelios, despite the formers best efforts, were never close, and when Theoron was given the better of the two kingdoms, it was the final nail in the coffin. Haelios' anger at Theoron was enough to turn them into mortal enemies.
This trauma and pain caused Theoron to be almost anonymous in his own kingdom. Rarely did he speak to his people, and therefore had no real connection with them. All speeches and announcements were made by his second in command, Cyrus. The people began to see Cyrus as more of their king than Theoron, and believed that their king did not care for anyone but himself. This assumption was shared between all other kingdoms, and so although Venturis was allied with Ithyius and Carthion, the connection was weak, and communication was non existent. All other kingdoms thought of King Theoron as someone not to be trusted to defend his kingdom or anyone else's, so the alliances, were made out of a shared hatred of Haelios than a want to protect eachother.
Theoron spent most of his time alone in his castle, a gloomy looking place, brightened only by the occasional moments of sun that rarely graced the kingdom. Venturis spent most of its time in a autumnal state, brown leaves adorned the ground for the majority of the year, creating a scenic, but ghostly land.
For all he was, Theoron was still a kind man at heart, and a powerful fighter. Years locked away in his castle gave Theoron plenty of time to practise his skills in swordsmanship and hunting- The only time he left his castle was to hunt. Due to the many woodlands around Venturis, Theoron could often hunt without being seen, and even if he was noticed, never was he recognised; for its hard to know a king you never see.

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