Chapter 2

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I finish what little I can of the food, and I head over to the windowsill, looking out.

My father's men are still out there, and it makes my heart hurt.

I grab my dress slightly, as I open the door and start for downstairs.

"My lady!" I hear Jon Snow exclaim behind me, but I keep walking until I finally get to the courtyard.

The men see me, and they all stand up immediately.

"Lady Campbell" Ser Robyn bows his head as I nod.

"I never got the chance to properly thank you for what you all did for me and my brother," I start, and they all nod.

"Was only our duty, my lady" He says, as I hear Jon Snow shifting on his feet behind me.

"I know." I say, taking a breath, "You are my father's men, so I am relieving you of your duties. You can go home to your families." I say, and they look a little confused, as they looked at each other.

"With all due respect my lady, we're here to serve you," He says, and I'm confused.

"No, I'm saying-" I say, but someone grabs my arm gently, and steps behind me.

"My lady, he's saying they'll serve you now, " Jon Snow says softly in my ear, "They serve House Campbell, they're your men now." He says, and I nod as he removes his hand and takes a step back.

"Very well" I nod, "But if you want to leave and go back to be with your families, I won't stop you," I say, and he steps towards me.

"Our place is with you my lady, to protect you, and find the animals that killed your parents," He says, pulling his sword out, "From this day, until your last day." He says as he bends the knee, as the rest of them follow suit.

"Thank you" I nod, "Sleep well," I say, and they all stand, bowing one more time.

I turn around, and Jon looks at me, a small twinkle in his eye.

"Can I escort you to your chambers my lady?" He asks, putting his arm out with a small smile.

"Thank you," I say, wrapping my hands around his bicep as he starts walking.

"I figured you shouldn't lose all your customs while you stay with us," He says looking down at me.

"Who cares about customs anymore.." I say softly, looking down.

"Things will get better in time," He says looking at me, as I sigh, "In the meanwhile, I'll carry your customs for you. I imagine your mother would be furious if you didn't" He says and I laugh.

"Thank you," I nod, as he stops in front of a door, "You've helped keep my mind off them for a while," I say, as I bring both of my arms to brush my hair out of my face.

"But they'll always be there," He says, looking at me.

"I hope so" I sigh, "Good night Jon," I say, looking up into his eyes as I gently open the door.

"Good night my lady," He says bowing his head, as I walk in and close the door behind me.

I hope things get better...

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