Chapter 2.

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Nikolas groaned, his head was hurting like crazy.

He suddenly remembered James barging into his house and coming to his room, he hid in the wardrobe with Dozer but James somehow knew and threw Dozer away from him then threw his head against the desk.

That was probably why his head hurt so much. 

"Nicholas, Wakey Wakey." James's voice said. He sounded like he was mock singing.

Nikolas whimpered. Memories quickly coming in and flashing through his eyes as he slowly opened them. "How are you-"

"Here? So no one told you?" James asked. He gently brushed Nikolas's hair away from his face.

Nikolas whimpered and tried pulling his head away. James just clicked his tongue and held Nikolas's head tighter "No.." He said quietly.

"Well, three months ago, I escaped from jail and now I'm angry. You arrested me." Suddenly James's hand started pulling his hair.

Nikolas whimpered. He realised his hands and feet were tied together tightly with insanely thick ropes so he couldn't really move.

"Yeah, I am not letting you out so soon. You now have to repay me." James said. "As your father, you have made me very angry."

Nikolas once again whimpered, "Yes, father."

James smiled, "Your a much faster learner. Much faster than three months ago. That took you six whole weeks." He taunted.

Nikolas whimpered, he managed to kick himself away from James and landed roughly on his arm. He tried kicking himself away but wasn't getting far.

James simply placed his foot against Nikolas's back and held him down. "Where on earth are you planning on going? You can't even stand or move your arms." James laughed.

Nikolas sobbed, he didn't want to be here. He wanted to be with Nino, Dozer and his actual parents. But James wouldn't ever let him go.

Not without a fight.

Most likely from Ali.

James simply roughly turned Nikolas onto his back and climbed over him. He started throwing punches and hits against his face.

"James, shouldn't we leave this stuff till we get to where we need to." One of his men asked.

James stopped and Nikolas coughed. "I guess." James replied as he hit Nikolas unconscious.

"There we go. Where's the cleaning stuff?" James asked as he picked Nikolas up and basically dropped him onto his seat.

"Right there sir." His second in command said as he grabbed it for James.

"Thank you." James said as he rested Nikolas's head on his lap, then he started dabbing at the blood on his face.

"Sir, what are we doing?"

"Back to base first. It should be around eleven to thirteen hours to get there." James said. 

His men nodded and carried on driving. 

To James, it was the fastest eleven hours of his life. He was happy he finally had his son back but then again, his son got him arrested. He was a wanted man.

But somehow Nicholas never knew that.

So no one ever told him that he
Wasn't at jail.

And all the times he could've snatched Nicholas and no one ever even told him.

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