Chapter 1 - reuniting

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It was the afternoon the birds were chirping and the clouds looked angelic in the sky. you happened to be sitting in your garden reading a book, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. suddenly you see your pet unicorn heading towards you, you get up quickly to greet them. you petted their head and gently stroke their long curly hair, you see that in their mouth there's a envelope. you take it from them and thought in your mind " who would want send something to me I'm not that well known". you brush the thoughts out of your head and just continue to open the envelope, you get the piece paper out of the envelope and proceed to read it says..

"dear friend

How are you! it's been awhile since we talked and I miss you but not just me but the others miss you as well. do you remember taking walks on beach with us and having sleepovers and just being the goofy friends we are. well I and the others want to reunite with you and be the best friends like we were those years ago. I... been thinking about you and how we should meet again. there is also someone who you should meet I think you guys would get along.

with love,

Pure vanilla."

you got done reading the letter with a shocked look on your face, you forgot all about your friends and almost started to tear up. all those memories flooded your mind which made you tear up more. you decided that today you would meet them. but as a surprise. so you went into your house into your bedroom , to change your clothes into something comfortable. after your done getting dressed you decided you would take your horse to go to vanilla kingdom. you went outside and found your horse waiting for you come back, you quickly proceed to get on the horse so you can go quickly. when you got to vanilla kingdom you noticed how pretty everything is and the kingdom was blooming. when you got to gates of vanillas castle gates you see that there's six people standing at the castle door.

 when you got to gates of vanillas castle gates you see that there's six people standing at the castle door

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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