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I wake up at 11 a.m, my eyes are red and my hair is a mess. I take a shower and found Rafe in the kitchen making breakfast. I grab my phone and open a post on Instagram.

—Now we have Sabrina Colleen the new point guard of Nc state— a interviewer of a podcast says —So how it feels taking the place and the number of the number one of the country?

—It's easy, I don't think that she is all that— a redhead clearly small says —She is so overrated, coach Moore sent her to UConn because he was tiered of her.

—What?!— I scream from my room making Rafe run looking for me —I'm going to Nc.

—What? Are you crazy Maddison?— I start putting random clothes inside my bag —Are you actually thinking about this?— I show the video to him and his jaw dropped —I guess we are going to the airport.

—That's why I'm your friend— I say grabbing the sandwich that he made —But. No one can know about this. Okay? And you only call if is important.

—Your pt will be so mad at you, promise that you do your workout?— he enters the car —You need to rehab to show that bitch who is the real number one of the country.

—Facts— I start searching for that asshole —She is ranked 87 of the country and she still have the nerves to say that I'm overrated?!

—No way— he looks at me surprised —That bitch is more delusional than my ex— I started laughing.

—I'm going to humble her so bad— I say angry.

After a 30 minute ride to the airport and a lot of trash talk about that Sabrina we arrived. I brought the first plane ticket to North Carolina that I found and waited for about 3 until getting to the plane.

—So don't forget only call me if is urgent— I say hugging him —And no one, especially Paige, can know that I went there, understand?

—Yes sir— he says looking at me —You can call always, I will aswer. Just don't call me tomorrow during my game. Please.

—Yes sir— he laughs —Thank you so much. When I get back, I will pay for a month our Starbucks.

—You are so crazy for this— I confirmed with my head looking up to him.

—Yeah but I not letting that bitch speak like that about me— I say going to check in.

—Stay save! Don't do nothing I wouldn't do!— Rafe screams while I go away laughing.

About a hour later, I was already in the plane. The flight was calm, after a long time I notice that what I'm doing is just stupid but now I can't go back. After listening to Frank and Taylor for hours I finally arrived.

—Rafie— I say on the phone going outside of the airport —What's up?

Mj! Finally— I take a long breath —Your pt is already looking for you. I said that I didn't saw you today. I'm such a good liar.

—Yeah I believe— I look around looking for my Uber —I'm waiting for my Uber, in the flight there was one of that baby's that cry all the flight.

I'm sorry for you— he says laughing —So are you gonna talk with Paige? Or just focus in that redhead?

I'm going to take care of Paige in Connecticut, now I'm going to take care of other asshole— Rafe laughs, I noticed my Uber arriving —My Uber is here, call you later.

I finally arrive at the campus and go straight to the court, I remember the schedule and right now they are there. I take a long breath before entering there. I saw that girl, she is even smaller in person, I'll say 5'6, max, how the fuck that girl can play against point guards of my height.

—Maddison?— Zoe, my best friend, goes to me and looks me from head to toes —What are you doing here? With that clothes?— she points to Paige UConn hoddie.

—I'm here to talk with that girl, Sabrina— I roll my eyes while she comes to me with a cocky smile —You really think that you are better than me?

—Is not that hard— I laugh and get closer to her, looking down because of the height difference —And it took a injury to coach Moore realize that.

—I'm going to talk to him after dealing with you— the rest of the team where around us with angry faces to me —How dare you taking my number, my position and talk about me like that? If you are "that" good you would be since the beginning not just when I got injured.

—I talk what I want— she laughs still with that cocky smile.

—You know what, this team is nothing without me, five losses? And the only win was because of me. I'm coming back. And I will show all of you who is the number one— I say pointing for every single person around us —Y'all can say whatever you want to say— I look again to Sabrina —But don't lie about it.

—Go away, you and that nasty ass shirt— Zoe says getting closer to me —I can't believe that I once call you my sister.

—Fuck you Zoe.

I go away, I automatically go to coach Moore office and say the same things that I said to the team, obviously a bit more calm and less bad words but almost the same.

So now my team, the people I tough were my family stabbed me in the back. Great!


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Enemies to lovers•Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now