Malcolm's POV

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When I finally came to, I realized that I was tied down and sitting next to Clarisse and Rachel. I struggled but it seemed I was tied down by some invisible force. "Who are you?" a loud voice asked. I recognized it as Ginny Weasley and boy was her voice loud. "Don't!" Clarisse said. "You think that will work?" a voice asked. "We will only answer questions that are given to us by one of our own," I shouted. "And who would that be?" Ron Weasley taunted. "Severus Snape!" Clarisse yelled, catching my plan. They left and returned ten minutes later with Severus.

"Leave us," Snape said. They nodded and left. As soon as they were out of sight Severus waved his hand and the force was lifted. "Quickly, we can apparate out of here, everyone else is already safe," Snape said quickly. We grabbed hold of him and ended up a little ways outside the village.

"Are the troops called in?" Clarisse asked. There were a bunch of head nods and Clarisse looked happy. "How far off are they?" I asked. "About two hours," Reyna said. "As soon as they're here we'll storm the castle and set up camp. That'll probably take an hour at best." "The rest of the Hunt is on the way," Thalia informed us. "All we need now is a plan," Rachel said. Everyone looked at me.

An hour later a plan was ready.
Step 1: Wait for troops to set up camp
Step 2: Break up into groups;
Zeus, Nike, Hecate and Hermes with the First Cohort
Hades, Apollo, Iris, and Demeter with the Second Cohort
Poseidon, Tyche, Aphrodite, and Dionysus with the Third Cohort
Ares, Hebe, and Hephaestus with the Fourth Cohort
Athena, Hypnos, and Hestia with the Fifth Cohort
Step 3: Send Fourth and Fifth Cohorts, along with cabins, to set up camp while the Third Cohort, and cabins, keep watch. First and Second Cohorts, along with groups, will prepare to storm the castle
Step 4: Storm castle and capture any threats
Step 5: Search castle, and hopefully find Piper and Annabeth
Step 6: Take prisoners in case a trade is needed.
Step 7: Attempt to negotiate and avoid a full on war

I know, I know, not the best plan, Annabeth's would've been better, but this is what I could do on short notice. The hunters had shown up and made a small camp. They were checking their weapons and Thalia was giving instructions.

An hour and a half later everyone was here and in their groups. We were ready to storm the castle and were waiting for Percy's order. "Everyone, we must find Piper and Annabeth," Percy yelled. "This is not just for Camp Half-Blood but for Camp Jupiter too. They have killed one of our own. I want the old man, Dumbledore, and three students, Harry Potter, Ginny and Ronald Weasley. We must also grab Neville, Hermione, Draco, and Luna. Once we have secured these people we will draw back." We all yelled and charged for the gates.

The groups in front of us easily broke down the gate and we all flooded in. We ran off to do our various tasks. The First and Second Cohorts checked their weapons and others armor. The Third Cohort stood guard watching everything. The Fourth and Fifth Cohorts worked on setting up camp, digging trenches and setting up tents. As for the Hunters, they already had their camp set and were waiting on everyone else. I knew that everyone's hope was to find Annabeth and Piper and get out before any casualties.

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