Ghost - Tease

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Smut 🤫

CW: oral sex, face fucking, bit of degrading

Ghost's pov:

All day y/n has been driving me crazy. And I can tell that she knows what she's doing.

It started off in the morning, I assigned her the simple task of collecting Soap from his room, the lazy bastard slept in again, and her response is to gaze up at me and say: "Yes, Lieutenant.." with the most seductive voice she could muster. She never calls me Lieutenant in front of anyone else, she only uses it when we're fucking. But today, she decided it would be funny to catch me off guard in front of at least 15 of my men.

Later on, while we were all training and preparing for our next mission, she comes over to me and "ties her shoelace." Her shoelace was not untied. She just wanted an excuse to get on her knees in front of me. A stupid excuse, really, but the action succeeded in turning me on.

It was lunch that tipped me over the edge. She walks into the room wearing a low cut, tight fitting tank top, her reasoning being it was "getting too hot." She uses her new attire to lean over the table as far as possible to talk to someone standing behind me. I didn't bother to see who it was, because she had practically shoved her tits in my face, showing off her cleavage and leaving me helpless, being able to do nothing but clench my fists grind my teeth with sexual frustration.

After lunch, I had ordered her to go to the interrogation building to collect spare amo. I knew no one would be in there, there were no interrogations going on so all the rooms would be empty apart from the odd person collecting papers and documents.

Y/n's pov:

Ghost had sent me to collect amo for some reason. It was a shame since I've really been having fun messing with him today, I just woke up and I was like: "today I'm gonna be an annoying bitch" and teasing Ghost was the result.

I never go over to the interrogation building, I don't even know where to look for amo.

I walked around to the side of the building, when I heard someone quicken their pace behind me and a hand clasped over my mouth, pulling me into the building.

I struggled against the persons grip, about to pull out my knife to cut their hand, when I heard a familiar voice.

"Calm down, I'm not gonna do anything to ya...yet." Ghost spoke, his breathe on my neck.

He let go of me and I spun around to face him, confused and a little annoyed. Then I saw the lustful look in his eyes. Shit.

"Care to tell me why you've been flaunting yourself to me all day?" He said, sitting on the chair used for captives while they're being interrogated and letting his legs spread as he spoke.

"I don't know what you mean." I lied, "I've just been existing, it's not my fault you can't keep your eyes off me." I give him a snarky smile.

"You like the attention." He definitely wasn't wrong. "But now you're going to deal with the consequences of your actions." He unbuckles him belt and my smile fades.

"Get on your knees."

I slowly drop to my knees without thinking. I knew what was coming next, and the anticipation was building in my stomach. I watched as he unzipped his fly, then waited for me to take control.

"You know what to do, slut." I quickly moved my hands to the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down slowly until his dick sprung out.

He was around 8 inches and I hesitated, preparing myself. Ghosts eyes are piercing into me, and as our gazes met I took him into my mouth. I sunk down and back up slowly. Giving my best bedroom eyes, I kissed and kitten licked the tip, only sucking on the head rarely. I could see Ghost's frustration building.

So, I stopped using my mouth all together and replaced it with my hands, wrapping them around the base of his cock, moving up and down with a slight twisting movement; painfully slow. Ghost responded with a low grunt and his breathing increased. I could tell he wanted more but I'm planning on making him wait for a little longer.

By the looks of it, he did not like my plan.

Ghost grabs the back of my head and pushes me onto his dick. I was shocked at his sudden action, but before I could fully process it, he was bobbing my head up and down. I looked up at him and all I could see was his head dropping back as his gasps and pants turn into grunts and whimpers. He covers his mouth over his mask, to cover his sounds from anyone who might be passing by outside.

I let out a small moan to let the vibration stimulate his cock. Ghost definitely liked that. His grip on my head tightened and he bobbed me faster. I could feel him throb in my mouth, and his head fall back forwards to watch himself force my head onto his dick.

I could tell he was close, he breathed out my name repeatedly, getting louder each time, until our eyes met and he groaned loudly. I felt his cum shoot into my mouth and I took my head off his dick.

I swallowed and stuck my tongue out at him to show that it was all gone.

Ghost chuckled, still catching his breathe.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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