Rebels arc

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Jaune gets abandoned by his friends and disowned by his father soon regrets jaune gets teleported to a planet were he gains Abilities and a force ghost tells him what he needs to do and he starts to rebuild the Droid army soon he meets the rebels and work together to destroy the empire soon some old friends and family get teleported to the rebel base.

Name:jaune arc

Code name:fallen knight

Resurrecting the dead
Laser vision
Hand-to-hand combatant
Superhuman strength,speed,stamina,
Agility and durability

(With droid factorys)
Utapau(free from the empire)
Geonisis(free from the empire)
Skako(free from the empire)
Cato neimoidia(free from the empire)
Scipio(free from the empire)
Kashyyyk(free from the empire)
Ryloth(free from the empire)
Mandalore(free from the empire)
Naboo(free from the empire)

B1 battle droids
B1 rocket battle droids
Oom command battle droids
Oom pilot battle droids
Firefighting battle droids(for fires)
B2 super battle droids
B2-rp Droids
Heavy weapons super battle droids
Super battle droids rocket troopers
Bx command droids
Sharpshooter droideka's
Aqua droids(for water missions)
Tactical droids
Super tactical Droid
Ig-100 magnaguards(for inquisitors)
Buzz droids
Lr-57 combat droids
Demolition droids(bomb droids)

Vulture droids
Hyena bombers
Droid tri-fighters
Hmp Droid gunships
C-9979 landing crafts

Dsd1 dwarf spider droids
Lm-432 crab droids
Tank droids
Hailfire Droid tanks
Octuptarra combat tri-droids
Og-9 homing spider droids
Aat Droid tanks
Mtt multi troop transport

J-1 proton cannon

Star ships:
Lucrehulk-class battleships
Munificent-class star frigates
Providence-class carriers/destroyers

Jaune battle ship:
The malevolence

Jaune personal ship:
Rogue shadow

Sabine wren
Hera syndulla
Ahsoka tano
Princess Leia
Juno eclipse
Seventh sister
Darth talon
Shaak ti
Maris brood
Aayla secura
Barriss offee
Luminara unduli
Depa billaba
Stass allie
Adi gallia
Padme amidala
Satine kryze
Serra keto
Bultar swan
Sia-lan wezz

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