3 : daily life

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3rd pov
Moon .

On the moon, we can see , a base on the surface , as a group of skrull being slain in it.

By who ?

Naruto in his amaterasu susanoo armour

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Naruto in his amaterasu susanoo armour. By training with jay , he can alter the size of susanoo and customize them.

By this way , he can cover the amaterasu on the susanoo. Having appetite energy also allow him to make 2 extra arms .

He gotten to know , that there is an alien invasion , and naruto wouldn't allow them.

' yeah !!! Thaz how iz done oomiies !!!!' ' yeah !!!'  Gork and mork cheered for the fight.

Naruto chuckled. He look as one of the skrull is still alive.

" Wh-who a-re yo-you??..." Thr skrull ask weakly.

"... I'm hokage. Understand, dattebayo ?" The skrull look confuse but nod.

" I'll left you alive , but you've to promise to not invade us again ."

The skrull then laugh. " Hokage , right ? Unfortunately , the invasion already start... You just never notice it. "

The skrull said as he slowly dying. " Tch !" Naruto undone his susanoo.

Naruto take a sniff of the skrull smell. " With this , i may know how to know the difference of the skrull. I'm very surprise they can  use our ability and face. " He mutter.


The avengers and justice leageu is 9n savage land , as the invasion of skrull is on the new york times square .

Just before they can attack , half of thel already slice in half

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Just before they can attack , half of thel already slice in half.

" $#/$)3?$?#)!?" One of the skrull ask. ( I don't know their language okay ? And this isn't the one from earth , so meh !) Translation : who did that !?

The one arrive , is naruto . He smirk and point to himself with his left arm. " It's me , you stupid alien !!" He said as he point murasama , at his right hand , at the skrull. He wear his outfit.

" Ready to be my dinner !" He said with a confindence.

Timeskip after the avengers and justice league arrive. .

( By memes ! )

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( By memes ! )

They looking around , as tony stark and reed richard scanning the area . The place is mess with rubble and destruction , but no sign of skrull.

" It seems they are gone... " Reed said from hos device he created.

Spider-man than notice something and laugh a little. " Hah! Would you look at that."

Luke cage look at him. " What is it spidey ?"

He point. A ramen is drawn on the wall , with the shape of ramen by some skrull blood. " Damn.... Guessing that guy is here already. "

" Who ?" Marvel girl ask with wonder woman follow behind her.

" Hokage. " Spider man said. "Hokage ? I heard of him. " Wonder woman said.

" Hokage , huh ?" Tony heard.

" The recently known vigilante and very mysterious. I can't for some reason search about him. " Batman said. He have looking through all data of all people with the similar hair and eyes , yet for some unknown reason , he can't.

( Mork : cauze te boyz beliv ! Am it hapen !) .

Timeskip. .

Some of skrull has been apprehend and some are kills ( eat ) by naruto.

( Now , the rest are canon except with justice league and some heroes from mha .)

We now go to naruto walking out from a portal while eating some ramen.

" Man... I miss ichiraku ramen. " He sigh. The ramen he is eating is good , but not as his old world.

He open his heroic/duty clothes and put on his casual clothes for home. White tanktop and orange shorts.

He sit on couch when he got a call.

He look and see , it's from izumi.
" Oh, izumi-chan call. " He answer it. " Hello ?"

" NARUTO-KUN !!! ARE YOU OKAY ?!!" Naruto pull the phone away from his ear. ' my damn ear...'.

" Yes , i'm okay izumi. And please calm down."

" O-okwy..." " Is that naruto  ?! Is he okay ?!!" Another voice from the other side of phone. It's eiji.

" Yes eiji , i'm fine. "

" Thank god !"

Naruto chuckled. He then grin with an idea. " How about you girls come here and we celebrate some stuff ?"

There is silence for a moment there , until izumi answer " s-sure ! Bye !"

Naruto chuckled.

To be continued !!

Short  ? I knew cause i don't know much about comics. But hey ! I try !

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