No need to unbury tragedy of lineage

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What is in the blood stays



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You were too late.
(Well. Curses. This feels familiar...)

The stories that hover over the House of Black never fail to take over a room. Whispers of them lurk like the misguided ghosts who are burdened with their blood-alive or buried. For tradition or tact (or both) Eve Peregrine does not carry their name the way she is burdened by their blood. She is fated to be attached their story no matter how much she tries to burn the pages.

Here is how it goes: Eve does not belong to those ancient and noble folk. She does however, suffer those unfortunate and unmixed genes thrown on her by the very same figures she'd disown. Their ancestral ways have doomed Eve to an existence where she must always 'mind her words' ("Charmspeak? Cursed power, that it is. Heard it runs thick through the rotted branches of that noble lot...") and never give in to the power lying supine on her tongue. For Eve, its all begun to feel like a betrayal. But how can one be betrayed by kin you never knew? Eve doesn't know... The thing she does know, is that fourteen-year-old witchhood should not feel so damn foreboding all the time. Coming face to face with your uncle who was wrongly imprisoned in Azkaban should not feel like this - like witnessing what can happen when you fight against evil. Being good should not have cost a life and much more but, Eve senses it always will.

Her thirteenth year was a series of panic attacks, wary looks from boys who used to like her, and a swift expulsion from Beauxbatons-Eve, having a knack in rooting for losing dogs, vehemently claimed the issue was her defending another student, but since Eve was the only one of ten without a single dueling scar, the reasoning was moot to the tied-hands of Headmistress Maxime-with no other school on the globe (save Durmstrang but like, Merlin, no) willing to take in the Charmspeaker niece of Sirius Black.

Except Hogwarts.

Of course.

The school where her sweet cousins reign supreme. The place Eve's mother and that family all attended. Where her older half-brother flounces around, totally indifferent to her existence-but fuck it, it's fine. Eve will just do as her dad says and be cool, mind her words, and think before taking her wand out of her boot or whatever. She's determined to make these pages count. Change the way their story is told. Earn the noble and get rid of the ancient.

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