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It was Monday, the start of another workweek. As I walked through the workplace, my co-workers greeted me warmly, and I returned their smiles and hellos.

I entered our office and spotted Jed sitting, reading a newspaper. "Hey Jed, good morning," I greeted cheerfully, catching his attention. A bright smile spread across his face as our eyes met. "Good morning, beautiful," he replied with a soft, melodic tone that sent a blush creeping up my cheeks, and butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

Jed stood up gracefully and pulled out a chair for me to sit, showcasing his gentlemanly manners. "Thanks, Jed," I said gratefully as I settled into the seat, arranging my belongings on the desk.

"So... any updates about the Ghostface?" I inquired, curious about the latest happenings in town. "No, not yet... there haven't been any recent murders," Jed responded, his expression becoming serious as he shook his head. The absence of such dreadful news was undoubtedly a relief, but it also left an eerie sensation in the air.

"So, what should we do today?" I asked not knowing what to do since there are no Ghostface killings, we have no reason to write some articles. "I don't know... but we could go hang ou-" Jed began to respond, but our conversation was suddenly interrupted by Kate's arrival.

"Not so fast, you two," Kate said, entering the office with a stack of papers in her hands.

"The editors are having some rough time because of the amount of papers they are editing." She said and placed the papers on the table and let out a sigh before continuing, "I need both of you to help them with the editing since you're the only ones free at the moment."

Jed and I exchanged glances, not expecting this sudden assignment. While we were hoping for some leisure time, we knew that helping the editors was also an essential part of our job. "Okay, no problem." Jed said with a nod of agreement, we assured Kate that we would assist.

"Thank you" Kate said to us before leaving the office. Jed sigh before looking at me with a smile, "We should start now so that we can finish this early" he said and I nod in response and started editing the articles.

As we immersed ourselves in the task, the time passed swiftly. Editing articles turned out to be more time-consuming than we expected, but we worked diligently to ensure the quality of the content. Together, me and Jed laughed at some amusing mistakes and debated word choices, turning the editing process into an enjoyable collaboration.

We had lunch together in the cafeteria and then came back to our office to finish our work. As the clock struck evening, we finally finished the editing tasks. With a sense of accomplishment, we submitted the articles to the editors, who appreciated our help. Kate, impressed by our efficiency, commended us and rewarded our efforts with a grateful smile.

"You both did a great job. I knew I could count on you," Kate said appreciatively, making us feel proud of our teamwork.

"Now, it's getting late. I think it's time for you two to head home," Kate said calmly. "Yeah, I think I should go home now," I said with a warm smile. "Me too, it's time for me to head home," Jed responded.

We gathered our things and bid farewell to our co-workers. Outside, the sun had already set, and the evening sky was painted with hues of orange and purple.

"So, do you need a ride home?" Jed asked, breaking the silence. "No, it's fine. I have my own car, I can drive home myself." I replied. "Alright then, take care on your way home," he said with a warm smile. "You too, see you tomorrow," I waved goodbye and walked towards my car, I reached my car and got in before driving towards my home.

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