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Ever since the interaction between you and the clones you four started to hang out more often.

They actually introduced you to their 'little' group and when they did well

It was not what you expected

Despite the rumours about them they're actually pretty nice well most of them

Muzan the leader of the group didn't really like you at first but as time flew he started to get used to the clones bringing you with them, though he acts like a complete asshole towards you, he seems to dislike you less
He even threatens(beating them up) other students whenever they talk shit about you.

Kokushibo is well kokushibo
His real name is Michikatsu but he prefers to be call kokushibo, he's usually the dad of the group whenever Muzan wasn't there, he's mostly the quite one there he only speaks when Muzan says something or when 'disciplining' the others, nevertheless he's actually quite nice to be around with.

Akaza was the definition of 'husband material' he respects women/girls more than anything, one wrong move on a women and you're going to be six feet under before you could even blink, but other than that he's nice but gets angry alot mostly at Douma

Douma..eh.. well Douma is really something, I can't really describe his personality but just like akaza said 'manwhore' that's one of the few words you can describe douma, Muzan despises Douma a whole lot, he even questions himself why he allowed him in his group,but he still did, douma never really cared about other people's feeling but he still cares for his friends alot (mostly akaza and you)

Rui is a sweetheart though he can be abit ruthless sometimes (always)
you always wondered how Rui even joined their group he's like 8? 10?
When the clones first introduced you to Rui, he was basically on cloud nine the first time he saw you. He loves how kind you are even if he's rude to you, he loves your head pats, ever since then Rui followed you wherever you go and whenever the others try to talk to you he flips them off to which you just laugh at. Rui loves you like a big sister while you loved him like a little brother, him and your other brother suprisingly got along well

Enmu well enmu is just like Douma but different, he also has this weird train fettish. I was actually surprised when I found out enmu was quite the gentleman.

Daki and gyuutaro
Daki is kind of a brat sometimes but when you actually get to know her she's a pretty fun person, she's also a huge simp for you which made the clones irritated at how she always clings to you,she even took you out shopping with her.
As for her brother he's alot different from her by I mean different I mean he hates whatever his sister likes
But loves what his sister hates like
He likes black/dark green to which his sister replies with 'black and green are too depressing!' while daki likes colourful colours.

And others(nakime and kaigaku)are just there
They don't really like to interact but they still talk to you even if it's just a few words

All of them accepted you being apart of them which made you happy that you actually get to be a part of something.

but ever since you joined to their group,alot people started to despise you some are jealous and some would even take things too far

But your friends would always protect you to which your always grateful for

One time a few girls dragged me to the bathroom and shoved my head on the toilet, and that made you snap.

After they let go of your head you punched one of them and banged her head on the wall, resulting with her face looking like a smashed brick

The others found out what happened and they were furious not at you but at the girls.

After that the girl didn't show up at school for a month.


you looked at Rui and your brother who was playing with rui's stringed puppets that he had made a few weeks ago

Rui then placed his puppets down and stood up

He walked closer to you and hugged you, you looked at him with a closed eyed smile while patting his head

"N/N? Do you want me to beat them up?" He said




"I said do you want me to beat up those people who make fun of you" he pointed at the students who were looking at you with disgust.

He raised his tiny hands and placed them on yours making you smile

You shook your head "Rui I appreciate
The offer but it's best if you don't, we don't want to get in trouble now do we?"

"Our group is the definition of 'trouble' so I don't really think this is anything new" he said which made you pinch his cheeks

"Don't you sass me young man" you said making him pout "I would let you
Beat them up but if I did I'm going to get suspended again and you won't see me anymore"

This made him frown but eventually agreed, he then hugged you again and walked back to your brother his puppets playing with them again.


I'm sorry for the late update school is such a pain in the ass 💀

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