'A difficult divorce' (Misclickduo)

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(Charlie's POV:)

I continued walking home; finally excited to see my daughter. I opened my door slowly to see her asleep and OF COURSE... No, Mariana. What a bitch for leaving OUR child home alone. I sighed and went over to her and shook her gently.

"Juanaflippa... Wake up...!" I giggled softly as she began to stir. She yawned and sat up to look at me, smiling at me.

"Papa! You're home! I was so scared when dad left me here alone!" I hugged her to try and comfort her as best as I could.

"It's ok now. I'm sorry I came back so late... The mobs were CRAZY today!" We both laughed together and I released her from grasp. I looked around carefully to make sure nobody was around to hear what I was about to say,

"Juanaflippa...Can you promise papa something?" She looked at curiously and nodded quickly,

"of course! I PINKY promise!" She reached out her pinky and I smiled, linking mine with hers.

"Promise to never become like your father... Please. I don't want you to end up like him because-..." She blinks and tilts her head,

"Because..?" I shook my head and frowned; quickly fixing a smile,

"Nevermind. You hungry?" She shook her head and I smiled. At least she was fed. I heard the front door open; jolting up as I stood to look at him. Probably the man I hated most.

"Hello, Mariana." I forced a smile on my face. He grunted and rolled his eyes; walking closer to me as he grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer.

"I heard what you said." I blinked; unsure on what he meant,


"I HEARD WHAT YOU SAID TO OUR DAUGHTER!" He yelled at me angrily as I made contact with the ground; quickly standing up to protect myself. I glanced at my daughter as she looked in fear at what was happening.

"You're scaring her-" I tried to say before he interupted me,

"I DO NOT care! Juanaflippa, go in the other room. Now." She looked at me quickly, leaving into the other room. I looked at him, glaring at him angrily.

"I was warning her! I know what you're like!" He rolled his eyes, and looked at me.

"She is OUR daughter, I deserve a right to talk to her and look after her. But instead you take her away ALL DAY!" I frowned deeply, and looked away; crossing my arms.

"I can't do this anymore... We are ALWAYS fighting because you are such a BABY." I looked at him as tears began to form in my eyes.

"SEE!? You're crying at nothing. You're honestly pathetic." I stared at him. I used to love this man and he used to love me. Where did we go wrong? I couldn't even look him in the eyes most of the time anymore.

"I'M CRYING BECAUSE I CANNOT BELIEVE I USED TO LOVE YOU!" He stared at me in shock and the tears that already formed began to fall down my cheek.

"I want a divorce Mariana. I can't do this anymore either. I'm taking our daughter as well." He looked at me in shock as he stepped closer,


"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME? FOR HER?" I gritted my teeth together, closed my eyes and punched him; the sense of impact gave me a sort of relief as he crashed to the ground.

"You can get out of this house now. We are getting a divorce." He stared at me with his bloodied nose, stood up and left with what he had before. I sighed as I collapsed to the ground. The only thing that felt right to do at that moment was sob. I wanted to sob until I felt numb inside. Until the feeling of dread and guilt left my body. I heard the door open and saw JuanaFlippa enter the room. I smiled weakly at her; knowing she has already heard everything.

"Papa... Don't cry or... Or I-I'll cry!" She sniffled as she ran over and gave me a hug. I enjoyed the comfort she gave me, even if she was just a child. I tried to smile but instead I frowned. I know I couldn't keep everything from her. She'd find out eventually anyways. 

"I'm sorry honey... Dad won't be coming home anymore." She frowned and looked at me,

"did you and dad divorce?" I paused for second before answering,

"yes... I'm sorry you had to find out this way. Me and your dad haven't been the same for a long time." She nodded, hugging me. I think she understood what I meant. She's a good kid and I knew from then on, I would protect her with my life.

(Ahhh, this was so dramatic! :D)]

(Stay healthy! <3)

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