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I got up from my chair and walked towards radha's cabin. She was standing facing the huge glass wall.
I cleared my throat to gain her attention, she turned behind to look at me. " Congratulations..... Now you are one of the BOD's of VEDA "
" Thank you, actually, I wanted to talk to you about this, when I got the official proposal for partnership . But everything happened so soon,  I couldn't... " " I understand" I cut her off " You don't have to explain yourself, at least not to me. And yaa, you are very much deserving of that huge position in VEDA, welcome to the family" She got the hint when I said family.
" Vijay... " She sighed Deeply, her hands fell to her sides as she came and stood before me.
" You can't say that already.... Remember..... We are not yet... "
" Shhh... " I placed my finger on her lips silencing her. " Please, I can't bear to hear that you are not mine, from your mouth, not at all ! You belong to me, I belong to you. It's just a matter of time, we will be together soon" She lowered her head, a moment of silence passed through and I broke it" How long will you avoid me butterfly, I am being restless. I need you, I need you by my side. You are my energy booster. I want you beside me to fight my war. That is what I always craved for all my life, a support.... Not someone who motivates me and pushes me forward to fight, but I want a person who will fight along with me. Will you be my companion butterfly? " I was asking her to be my weakness and also my strength. I was proposing to her , and according to me, there is no better way to say, than just letting your fears put forward and show your vulnerability... Coz that is what your love can only see.... The world can see you win but only your love stands beside you when you lose... I never showed my vulnerable side to anyone, I used to mask my feelings.....except dhara, now radha is seeing me like this. She saw all the sides of me which the world didn't.... She is special to me .
" I will vijay" She cupped my cheeks
" But it's not so easy, if the news of you being married is out and also if they know about us, I will be called with all the names, A homewrecker, Mistress, what not... "
" Not again... I won't let anyone do that, don't you believe me? "
" I do vijay, just now you asked me to fight along with you, I am helping you as the girl you love, it's my responsibility too, to make our lives fuss free. If we get together now, the news will be all over. " " It won't, we can hide "
" So you are directly asking me to be your mistress? "
" I didn't say that, I am asking you to be normal and not distance yourself from me. I promise, we are in this together. It's you and me against the world butterfly. I will fight for you, with you, saying that I will die for you is too cheesy, That's not VJ's style, I will come back alive for you " I pecked her lips.
" I am scared vijay, everything you talked about...... As you said, they might be knowing about the will, That time is nearing and anything might happen.
I am not a coward to be scared of death, I will fight, but it's just, whatever you said, it sends shivers down my spine, thinking about the uncertain future..... That unknown enemy we are fighting with, though we are prepared, all it takes is one tiny mistake for everything to be lost "
She looked Visibly concerned and scared, she didn't try to hide her fears as she let it out.
" Whatever is happening in my life is nothing less than a war.... And A war  means , there is loss on both sides equally, even though we win, we might have lost something , though it would be less than the opponent, which is what makes us win. and that win comes with a cost... What matters is the victory at the end. And after all that, you will be my trophy. You are what I would thrive to win. My precious possession you are. I have to fight this, because it's my responsibility as a son. To save VEDA and I am happy, now you are one of the BODs', if I am gone, you are there to take care of everything "
" Please, don't talk like that vijay, I want you. I demand you, I order you to come back for me.. Dare you die, I will kill you " We smiled, in between our tears, as I wiped them off from her beautiful face.....
" Ok, now, we need a change of mood" She said.
" Let's go for lunch? " She smiled and nodded in agreement.
Author's pov:

" Plan successful, got in..... Soon I will make him mine.... I won't let anyone else have him... " A girl said speaking on her phone, walking in the lobby of VEDA.
" Good job... Just go accordingly.... If needed , get in his bed, I don't care... Anyhow he is a Playboy. If needed get pregnant too... Do whatever you can, but get him in your control.... He is busy with some girl's thoughts these days.... Break that.... " The voice from the other side spoke.

Vijay's pov:
Holding her hand securely in mine ,we walked to the entrance of the Restaurant. "Welcome Sir, welcome maa'm " the manager greeted , I nodded Acknowledging. "Sir, please follow me, I will guide you to your table" saying he led us as we followed him. Reaching the table. I gestured to him to leave and
pulled a chain for Radha to sit, smiling she sat down...when I was about to sit opposite to her, she pulled me into the chair beside her.
"sitting opposite to each is nothing fun. Sit beside me like you own me" The Small lingering smile and the red hue on her face made my heart flutter and she openly said that she is mine. What more can i ask for. I placed a feathery  kiss on her lips, she looked taken aback by it, coming out of her shock, She looked around to check whether anyone had seen us.
" Idiot ,Cant you control yourself at least in public?" she slapped arm lightly.
"Why should I , I love you"
I gave her a Cheesy smile. "You are VJ and I am RV, remember that, we are more famous than necessity and if anyone sees us like this, we will be on the news all over the world by the next minute."
"VJ and RV found having lunch Secretly. News is that they've been dating Since so long etc..etc...
if possible they will tell that, we are married and have 10 kids also. " "Typical Paparazzi " She commented dramatically. "Hmm.. 10 kids sounds good, I don't have a problem...but can you handle So many." I gave a naughty smirk to which she Smacked me on my head.
"What!!!" I asked playfully she rolled her eyes, but still, I could see the smile on her face which she was trying to hide. So I thought to tease her more. I leaned into her whispering "leave about babies for now, but how about we try the process?" I winked. Her blush-o-meter raised , making her face flushed with blood. "Do I see Someone blushing here. The ferocious tigress is blushing......this is the News, Right!!" I commented.
"Hmm...Only you can get this side out of me " She looked at me lovingly.
" excuse me sir " A voice broke our moment. I turned to see the waitress waiting to take our order.
" Actually We did not think about anything, could you give us a moment "
Radha Said. "Yes, I'll wait" she replied eyeing me and stood in her place without moving, Radha meant , you to come back after a while you stupid girl, not to stay and gawk at me. Anyhow, I looked at Radha. "what do you want to have?" "Pasta" she replied, but her eyes were narrowed at something, or particularly Someone. She would had  burned that waitress with the fire in her eyes by now, who was almost eye fucking me.. It was clearly visible in her eyes.
" 2 white sauce pasta and a mint chocolate ice cream, get it later"  I ordered , nodding she left , Thank God she did not return for a while later our order arrived and that waitress served us the pasta . we had a comfortable silence around as we ate, the solace in the silent movement with your love is something everyone crave for, no need of any words or conversations, we can stay like this forever with the peace of having each other beside.
All the while we ate , my one hand lingered on radha's thigh as I played with the hem of her skirt, she was liking it, I was loving it. Later that waitress appeared again with the ice cream. I pushed the bowl to radha as her eyes glistened with spark, happy for her favorite ice cream.
" Sir, won't you have something for dessert? " The waitress asked in her fake sweet voice. I looked at radha who just placed a spoonful of ice cream as a moan left her lips savouring its taste and held it up for me to have a spoon.  " Yaa, I will" Saying I placed my lips on radha's sucking the ice cream from her mouth, I heard a gasp from behind. I pulled back sitting straight, and looked at that waitress who had a shocked expression and ran away immediately, I smriked, what did she think, that she could hit on me and I would let her, that too when I had my butterfly beside me, now she knows whom I belong to. I turned to radha, her expression looked so funny. She was still in shock by the sudden kiss. " Butterfly " I shook her. " You idiot " She punched me on my arm. " This is what I told you about, that no one should know, what the fuck did you just do? " She shouted making me laugh. " Hey hey.. Sorry sorry.. Radhamma... I just did that to show I belong to you. "
" Whatever,  you are an asshole" She cursed. " Butterfly " " Don't you dare butterfly me, I will kick you " I couldn't stop laughing for the embarrassed look on her face. To cool her down, I took the spoon in my hand and fed her the ice cream as she ate, giving me deadly glares, warning me not to pull out such stunts again with her eyes.
We moved out of the restaurant after paying the bill, My phone rang bringing me to halt.
" I need to take this call, it's my mom, you wait here, I'll get the car" I sighed and moved towards the parking lot picking up the call.
" Hello mom. "

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