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The Lament of Lost Souls

You wear purple, I wear red,
I won't stop until you're dead
Running closer throughout the halls
Hear my screaming through the walls

You wear purple, I wear yellow
You are really an interesting fellow
Did you kill us, maybe not
Between these things you are caught


You wear wear purple, I wear brown
Why are you looking so down?
Be grateful for your tiny life
There are some who experience much more strife

You wear purple, so do I
You must be the purple guy
Sitting in your office chair
You will not be very safe there


You wear purple, I wear GOLD
To me you were especially cold
Quick, flip to camera 2b
You'll get a little surprise: ITS ME

All animatronics:
You deserve an early death
A curse that will hold through final breathe
Crushed between metal and bone
Trapped in a prison of cement and stone

I just blew yo' minds!!!!!!! And yes Skittles. It is very deep. I made it up while I was brushing my teeth.

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