Your Pathetic Charlie

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Chapter Summary: What if Charlie's dad didn't turn up quick enough, and Ben beats Charlie up leaving him bruised and bloody. 

Charlie's POV:

The wind blew through my curls as I watched Nick walked back into the cinema most of me wished he'd wait with me until my dad arrived but before I could call out to him he was gone, I walked abit further down the car park where there was a lamp post and I stood there waiting for me dad. Minutes passed and still my dad hadn't arrived I checked my phone and it was nearly 10 o'clock, I heard footsteps on the ground walking up the ramp along side where I was stood but I didn't think anything of it and then I heard a familiar voice calling my name. 

I looked up from my phone and saw Ben stood in front of me, he stepped closer to me and I moved away from him as he said 'Where's your boyfriend now Charlie, he's not here to protect you nobody is and that means I can do whatever I like to you' I carried on moving away from him until my back hit the hard stone wall I summoned abit of strength and said 'Don't touch me Ben', Ben laughed in my face and placed his arms either side of me keeping me pinned to the wall as he said 'Why what are you going to do, beat me up'. 

The first hit came in the form of a punch to my face more precisely my nose which sent my head back smacking into the stone wall, I screamed in pain and bought both hands up one to my nose and the other to the back of my head and when I looked at them they were both covered in bright red blood. Ben pushed me to the concrete and began kicking me over and over again in the left side and my stomach which soon felt like it was on fire and I knew by tomorrow it would be covered in huge black bruises.

I didn't have much strength left but I used what I had to fight back by kicking my left leg and striking him in his privates, Ben doubled over in pain and shouted 'Ahhh you little Shit, your going to pay for that'. Pain erupted in my head as Ben grabbed a fistful of my hair with one hand and with the other he scratched my face with his finger nails, I screamed again in pain as I felt something warm running down my face, Ben pulled me closer to him and said 'Your Pathetic Charlie, and when Nick sees you he'll never love you and you'll come crawling back to me'. 

My voice was hoarse from all the screaming and crying I'd done but I managed to say 'I will never come back to you, I would rather die' Ben stepped away from me and said 'So be it' and that was the last thing he said before he walked away leaving me alone. 

Charlie's Dad's POV:

The traffic had been so bad that it had taken me twice as long to get to the cinema car park to pick Charlie up, I just hoped that he was okay. Eventually I arrived at the car park and I looked around to see if I could spot Charlie, I couldn't see him and I thought maybe he was waiting inside where it was warm so I rang his phone but my heart sped up when it kept on going to voicemail. 

I tried his phone again and then I heard his ringtone playing I'd heard it so often when Nick phoned him that I knew it off by heart, I got out of the car and looked over towards where the lamp post was near the wall and I saw Charlie's yellow phone case and the light from his phone lighting up his bruised bloody face. I ran across the car park until I reached Charlie, I knelt down beside him and said 'Charlie my boy I'm so sorry I wasn't here sooner, who did this to you son' Charlie didn't answer he just buried his head into my chest and cried asking me to take him home and asking for Nick several times as-well. 

Once I got home with Charlie I gently carried him from the car into the house as I walked through the door I quietly said 'Jane it's Charlie I need you upstairs please' Jane came out of the kitchen quickly following me upstairs trying to see her son's injuries but I rushed him to his room so that Oliver didn't see him. Once in his room I carefully placed Charlie down on his bed and we took one look at his injuries and both knew he needed to go to hospital so we woke Tori and asked her to go with me to the hospital whilst Jane stayed home. 

Nick's POV:

I was sleeping peacefully in my bed Nellie was lying beside me snoring softly, a gentle knock interrupted my sleep and I felt Nellie move beside me I woke up fully when I heard my bedroom door creak open and my mum walked in I sat up and turned my bedside lamp on and said 'Mum what's wrong' my mum sat down on the bed and took my left hand which meant it was bad news and then she said the words I never wanted to hear 'Nick baby I've just had Charlie's sister Tori on the phone, Charlie's in the hospital his dad found him beaten in the car park at the cinema'. 

The words kept going round and round in my head I looked at my mum and said 'He's okay isn't he, please don't tell me he's dead please I can't loose him mum' my mum hugged me and said 'No sweetheart he's not dead, he's going to be okay. Tori said that Charlie's been asking for you would you like me to take you to him'. I flew out of bed and dressed in some grey joggers, my yellow t-shirt and my black Adidas hoodie, I ran downstairs grabbing my phone and portable charger from my school bag before putting on my Vans. 

Once we got to the hospital I ran into A&E and asked at the desk but then I heard a voice calling my name I turned around and saw Tori calling me over to the double doors, I pushed through the crowd of drunk people until I reached Charlie's sister. I hugged her and the first thing I said to her other than "who did this to him" was 'How is he Tori' she replied 'He's awake, most of his injuries are superficial. He has a lot of bruising to his abdomen, and Ben scratched his face as-well there's also a small head wound to the back of his head and his nose is just bruised not broken'. 

I hugged Tori again before walking to the door of the side room, the board outside had Charlie's name written in black pen. I walked in and Charlie turned his head towards the door and said 'Nick your here, I'm sorry' I crossed the room quickly and when I reached the bed I took Charlie's left hand in mine and said 'Charlie you have nothing to be sorry for, I'm the one who should be sorry I never should have left you out there on your own', Charlie reached out and gently touched my bruised eye with one of his fingers and said 'What happened to your eye'. 

I looked down at the blue hospital blanket and said 'I got into a fight with Harry, he was saying some really horrible stuff about you and I just lost it and punched him'.

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