Summer hike🌡️

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This totally wasn't inspired by my own predicament haha.
I wrote this spontaneously and thought it'd go into the mixed short story book but then it ended up longer.
Since it doesn't fit any of the prompt lists I'm working on, I decided to publish it already<3

Sickie: Taeyang

Caregiver: Keeho

Taeyang’s POV.:

Considering how busy we had been lately, I had been looking for something relaxing to do the next time we’d be on a break. I loved fishing but hadn’t be able to do that for an eternity because we were usually too busy and when we weren’t, the weather would ruin my plans. That was why I had to make sure the next time would be perfect. We’d get a one week long break soon and I planned to go on a hike around a lake beforehand, so I could find the perfect spot. Once I knew the spot, I’d have multiple days to choose from, so y chances of having good weather would be better than usual. It simply had to work out for once.

No one’s POV.:

On the first day of their break, Taeyang got his backpack ready, making sure he had a lunchbox and water bottle because he had no idea how long his walk would end up being. It was cloudy, so he only put on a thin layer of sunscreen as part of his morning routine but decided against wearing a hat. After having it styled all the time, he wanted to give his hair and scalp a chance to breathe.

Taeyang put on comfortable shoes and bid his dongsaengs goodbye before heading out for the day. The members had asked him whether he wanted any company as they couldn’t imagine walking around in circles would be any fun, especially not alone but the oldest insisted that it was just what he needed to breathe and clear his head.

He had found a river a little out of town, that would feed into a lake, so he decided to follow the river before circling the lake to make sure he had checked each and every single fishing spot. Sure, he had known that he had quite some distance to pass but he had the time to.

About five kilometers into his hike though. Taeyang realized his ‘comfortable’ shoes weren’t all that comfortable. It took another two kilometers for him to stop and pull a pack of blister patches from his backpack. At least he had come prepared.

He was already starting to lose his motivation because his feet hurt and hadn’t seen any good fishing spots yet. To make matters worse, the clouds had vanished the sun now mercilessly beating down on him. The back of his shirt was completely drenched with sweat, where the backpack covered it and the straps of his backpack chaffed against his shoulders. Yeah, he was starting to regret this.

Thinking he’d have better luck if he strayed off the beaten path just a little, Taeyang deviated his planned route and found himself walking and walking and walking, his mood deteriorating. It didn’t take long for Taeyang to completely lose his sense of orientation and just like he couldn’t find his way, he also couldn’t find any shade. Needing to collect himself, he took a seat on the ground and pulled out his lunch box. It helped raise his mood a little to not be hungry anymore but he didn’t have much water left and the food only made him thirstier.

Taeyang tried to refrain from chugging down all of his water and only had a few sips to wash his lunch down. His head was starting to hurt a little, so he relented and pulled out his phone to use GPS. Looking at the distance and time it’d take him to get back, Taeyang gulped and slung his backpack over his shoulder. His back was tense and ached, despite the backpack not even being all that heavy. Just as he went about backtracking his steps with GPS to make sure he wouldn’t get lost again, Taeyang made another frustrating discovery.

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