«hes not him»

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Lola was now stood waiting at the airport for Arthur to arrive. She was leaning against her car, looking down at her phone when a shadow cast over her and her screen. Looking up she saw the bright blue eyes staring down at her, accompanied by a beaming smile.
"hey arth"
"what you looking at?"
she turned her phone to show him a video of a dog doing a handstand on tiktok. he laughed and said "i wish i had never asked"
she giggled as she said
"how was your flight?"
"not to bad...i think"
"you think?"
"i fell asleep. the flight attendant had to wake me up to tell me we had landed"
she rolled her eyes and laughed
"honestly arth what are you like"

When they were in the car he asked if he could connect his phone to the bluetooth.
"okay but only if you play good music" she responded.
he went quiet for about 2 minutes as he scrolled through his phone.
"ahhh ok you will like this" he said clicking a button.
End of the day by one direction started playing. Arthur looked over at Lola whose face immediately lit up.
"oh my god this is my favourite song how did you know!!" she said
"hey don't doubt me, i pay attention!!"
they both sang along, which shocked lola because she didn't think he would know the words, but she wasn't complaining. They both sang at the top of their lungs, dramatically pointing at each other when they sang 'your the one that i want at the end of the day'

When the song finished, Lola looked over at Arthur.
"your literally my new favourite person"
a chuckle escaped his lips as he spoke
"that's my aim"
they smiled at each other as lola pulled up at her place.

"okay so what's the plan?" arthur asked
"well it's our last day together with charles before we are all off racing for the season, so we could maybe go to the beach or maybe have a boat day?"
"a boat day sounds good!"
"i'll message charles and let him know"
They entered her place as she went and sat on the couch, arthur following suit.
"why don't you see if ollie wants to come?" arthur said "we can make a full fun day out of it?"
"that's a great idea, i'll message him now"

Lola: Hey Ol. do you have plans for today? no good cause now you do. your coming on the boat with me Arthur and Charles. I'll pick you up in an hour

Ollie: Good morning Lola! yes i'm doing good thanks how are you?😂 no plans so i will get ready. see you soon!

"Ollie is coming. Shall we bring anyone else?" she asked
"ummm who else is in italy, i don't know?"
"is carlos here?" she said after thinking
"i think so actually, i will get charles to ask him. dino is here i think so i will message him yes?"
"sounds good!"

After finding who was around, they got a group together that consisted the two of them, Charles, Ollie, Dino, Carlos, Isa (his girlfriend) and Pierre because he was with Charles today for some reason. She drove Arthur to the beach, going via Ollie's apartment to pick him up. When they arrived the others were already there waiting. They all greeted each other with hi's, hey's and hugs before charles spoke up.
"okay i have sorted the boat so we are good to go"
"oh thanks Charles, that was my next job!" she responded
he put his arm round her shoulder
"i'm just a step ahead no?"
"indeed you are Charles" she giggled

charles_leclerc via stories

charles_leclerc via stories

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arthur_leclerc via stories

"oh my god Arthur" lola said as they were all lay on the deck sunbathing

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"oh my god Arthur" lola said as they were all lay on the deck sunbathing.
Arthur sat up super fast worried
"what's wrong?"
she turned her phone round to show him the instagram story he had posted.
"this is literally the cutest photo please send it me!"
he let out a breath
"gosh lola you scared the life out of me. i thought something was wrong"
the group giggled. well. everyone except charles.

They all continued to lie around and sunbathe and just have conversations in small groups. Lola was talking to Isa.
"that photo of you and arthur is the cutest. you two would make the best couple"
lolas face turned to shock
"oh no no no arthur is just my best friend. i've known him since before i can even remember!"
"well maybe that's what would make you so perfect!" Isa said with a wink before she went to join Carlos.

Lola had never really thought about Arthur like that before. She had always had eyes for only one person. His brother. At the age of 11 was when she first noticed Charles in a different way. He was 14 at the time and that summer when she saw him, changed everything. It had been 11 years since then and when she looked at him now her feelings were still the same. She saw him sat there in just his swim shorts, talking to Pierre. His hair was wild in the wind and his eyes glistened in the sun. He was perfect to her. His smile. His personality. Everything.

She looked over to Arthur, who was sat talking to Ollie and Dino. His hair was also wild from the wind and his swimsuit was the perfect colour. It really suited him. She could hear his laugh. It sounded just like Charles. He was a good looking guy and an amazing friend, she would admit that. He always had time for her even when nobody else did. She thought back to that time when she was in the UK and fell ill. She couldn't fly and had to extend her stay in her hotel, alone. She had facetimed both Arthur and Charles and they had both showed sympathy, but the most unexpected thing happened. There was a knock at her hotel door a few hours later. When she opened it, he was stood there. Arthur. He had flown over from Monaco and looked after her the whole time. He was always there for her when she needed someone, even when nobody else was there. And yet she couldn't see him that way. He was amazing. But he just wasn't Charles.

Little did she know that Arthur thought very different. He knew about her love for his brother, and every single day he felt the jealousy pinch at his heart, wishing it was him she loved, because he felt that way towards her. He always had, since they were kids. He gave up, had other girlfriends, but nothing ever worked out because they weren't Lola.

As for Charles, he also liked Lola a lot, but had only come to realise it when she came down the stairs earlier in the year when he accompanied his brothers and his mother to the Rouxs house for dinner.

There was one thing in common between those two Leclerc Brothers

They both had one goal this year outside of racing.

And that was to make Lola theirs.

End Of The Day ~ Leclerc brothersWhere stories live. Discover now