Chapter 4

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Skylar daughter Ava is pregnant at 13 years old and Ava meet her great grandma tina and great aunt Solange.

Ava Pov
I am scared of being pregnant at young age.
Beyonce: Ava having you being taking your prenantal vitamins?
Ava: Yes auntie I having been taking my medicine and auntie can my girlfriend come over.
Beyonce: umm yeah but your mother and grandmas have to meet her and I didn't know your were gay.
Ava: Yes auntie I am gay and I am scared of my mom and my grandmas.
Beyonce: Why are you scared of yours grandmas and mom?
Ava: I don't want them disown me because I am gay.
Beyonce: They will not disown you because your grandmas are gay.
Ava: Okay auntie and my girlfriend name is Brandy.
Beyonce: okay that is nice name and I am going to call your grandmas.
Ava: Okay auntie
Beyonce Pov
I am calling Michelle about her granddaughter Ava.
Michelle: Hey B
Beyonce: Hey Michelle I need you come over with Kelly and Skylar.
Michelle: What is wrong with Ava?
Beyonce: I will let Ava explain it to you when I see you.
Michelle: Ok I see you soon.
Beyonce: Ok I See you in minute.
Michelle: Ok
Beyonce: Ava your grandmas and mom are on they way now.
Ava: okay auntie and my girlfriend is here.
Beyonce: okay bring her in here.
Ava: Okay Brandy this my auntie Beyonce.
Brandy: Hey Ms. Beyonce I am Ava girlfriend.
Beyonce: Nice to meet you.And how long you been together with my niece?
Brandy: A couple of months.
Beyonce: OK and Brandy you are going to meet her grandmas and mother today.
Brandy: I am nervous to meet them.
Beyonce: Don't be nervous they will like you.
Brandy: Okay thank god that is relief.
to be continue

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2023 ⏰

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