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A/N: hey before i start this chapter i would like to thank everyone who's reading this book, everyone who has commented and voted for chapters and even the silent readers who don't comment and vote, all of you i'm really grateful that you gave this book a chance, but most especial i'm grateful to @for1yoonzino whose left sweet comments for me and motivated me to continue writing💙.

Pic of Jeongin above because he's smiles are just the brightest😊👆.

Here's another chapter, hope you like it, enjoy🤗!.

A side character.

They came in various forms and shapes, definition changing and depending on their importance and the role they play for the Main's that is, it always varies.

A side character, a secondary character, an ancillary character, a supporting character, a subordinate character, whatever one wants to call them, they were still the same, they were someone of less significance, someone needed but at the same time someone easy to get rid off, someone mentioned when it was time to make the Main leads shine, someone whose problems were always over looked by on viewers as on-going story plot, side characters were made to be ignored, to be unnecessary wallflower, they blend perfectly into the storyline and as time go on, they're forgotten.

At times, on rare occasions, a side character could overshadow a Main, it depends really on how they are presented to the media, how they act for the story or show, their mundane uniqueness, anything really, but those times were hard to find, like stated previously, rare.

He knew he shouldn't be feeling like this, he had no reason to, he wasn't meant to, he wasn't suppose to.

He was the fun one, the cool one, he was the life of the party, the one that was too chill and savage to care about anything.

In every trio group, they was always this one friend that fit that description, it wasn't planned, it just happens, like an unstated law of the universe, it was inevitable.

On most occurrence, said friend was also the therapist, the parental figure, the most logical one, the adviser, but what they never want to admit to themselves was that, they were also the side characters in their suppose perfect friendship.

They were only made of importance when they were actually needed, after which they go back to being the perfect wallflower, existence long forgotten by everybody.

Their lack of importance wasn't really noticable but it was there, it was always there, always.

He was grateful for his friends, really he was, he loved them deeply, and he knew they loved him just as much.

He knew that he was just as important to them as they were to him, he knew all this.....but-

But Jeongin couldn't help but feel like an insignificant side character in his friend's presumed Main character lives, like he was just there to make the trio group feel complete, the perfect three friends group.

The nagging feeling didn't always make itself present, well it did but never have it surfaced itself all the time, most times during his highschool days, it came as a silent prickling sensation, but recently it was all the pale blond could feel and think about.

It nagged him, taunted him, haunted him, jeered at him, every fucking second of his existence that Jeongin felt mad, it was driving him insane, he was going insane.

He felt suffocated, ignored, not needed, he felt little.

Was he depressed?, Jeongin couldn't quite say for a fact that he was, like he kind of felt like it, but he wasn't sure, he could always get a diagnose and figure it out for sure but that would ruin the whole aesthetic he had going on for him.

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