bring on the arena

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For lunch I sat down with the rest of the mirror rescue team.

Nanako: so how did everyone's test go?

Jason: absolutely horrible I don't know what I'm going to tell my dad.

Ynez: speaking of your dad what was his impression of me last night.

Before we go any further I should probably explain. Last year when I was a junior in highschool something very strange happened. I discovered another world that can only be accessed by highly reflective surfaces like mirrors. In that world exists creatures called shadows. Every person has one. The goal of a shadow is too escape into our world by kidnapping the original and replacing them. To stop this the mirror rescue team was formed. We managed to severe the connection between the worlds. Now we just hang out.

Gabe: you shouldn't worry about what his dad thinks about you.

Jason: it's gonna take awhile for my dad to warm up to you he is still in his redneck phase.

Danielle: you guys ever miss being a team.

Kent: what are you talking about we are still a team.

Danielle: you know what I meant.

Y/N: I don't know really. On the one hand that was possible the most fun I'd ever had in my life but to have that experience again would mean putting more people in danger.

Danielle: your right. I just don't know what to do.

Y/N: let's eat.

After school

I exited the front gates when I got a call from nanako.

Y/n: hey nan-chan.

Nanako: you know you don't have to use honorifics right?

Y/N:I need the practice for my Japanese class.

Nanako: listen my birthday is coming up and my cousin and his friends came and my cousin wants to meet you.

Y/N: I'll be there soon.

I stopped by the cafe to tell mr. amamiya that I wouldn't be there.

Yu narukami POV

I stood outside taking in the country air. While it wasn't as nice as inaba's it was still nice. I was thinking about how nanako described her friends especially y/n.

Flashback 20 minutes ago

Nanako: then theirs y/n he really reminds me of you yu-chan. He leads us in our activities.


Yu's mind: y/n sounds very assertive. I can tell that nanako likes him they are probably dating considering she has a heart on his profile on her phone. And based on the long call time they talk frequently.

Yosuke: you thinking about nanako.

Yu: how'd you know?

Yosuke: I still remember the nickname.

He is of course referring to the embarrassing nicknames given to us during the P-1 grand prix. I was called the sister complex kingpin of steel.

Yu: I don't know what to do.

As I was heading back inside I heard overheard a conversation featuring a word I hadn't heard in a long time.

Woman: did you hear about that strange TV program rumor going around?

Woman 2: I don't believe in stuff like the midnight channel.

I froze in place. The midnight channel is here how and for how long has this been going on.

Ren amamiya POV

I had just finished serving my last bowl of curry and began to run to the store to buy supplies when I overheard a strange conversation. I began sneaking towards the source of the conversation.

Man: did you hear about the death of that gambler.

Man 2: you mean the one who beat yu narukami?

Man: yeah dude just suffered a mental shutdown after the match. The dude didn't have any records of health problems at all.

Could it be? Is the metaverse back?!!u

I called the rest of the thieves and told them.


I arrived at nanako's house and knocked on the door.

Nanako's father opened the door and ushered me into the living room.

Y/N: hi.

A man with silver hair gets up from a chair in the corner and approaches me.

Yu: my name is yu narukami. I'm nanako's cousin. It's nice to meet you.

He holds out his hand. I grab his hand.

Y/N: y/n l/n it's an honor.

As soon as I make contact I can feel something is different about him.

My brain is trying to figure out what it is.

I quickly use my third eye and notice something behind him.

Y/N: a persona?.

Yu: what did you say?

Y/N: nothing.

Later that night

I was sitting on my phone at night with the rain pouring down.

Y/N: I need to pick up my pills tomorrow.

I was about to go to sleep when the TV came on.

Y/N: what the?

???: So you are all here. You will pay for what you did. You slaughtered my sons. Now I will put you down one by one. But I want to enjoy this. I will rid this world of you and your rescue team. I await you y/n l/n.


???: I will rid this world of your investigation team yu narukami. Come to me if you want to see them again.


???: Come to me if you want to see your friends again.


???: Oh and don't try anything or nanako is the first to go.

The TV shut off and next thing I knew everything was backwards. The town outside was covered in fog and there was a giant tower on the outskirts of town.

I quickly grabbed my gear and walked out the door.

When I exited I found myself surrounded by unfamiliar architecture.

But I did recognize the language.

Y/N: huh this is Japanese kanji.

persona 6 arena (male reader x persona)Where stories live. Discover now