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Nobody had spoken a word on their way back home. Mr. Dawood was sitting on the passenger's seat entangled in deep thinking while Faris was driving the car and intermittently looking in the rear view mirror to see Afira if she was alright. Her perpetually downward gaze was indicating that she had no awareness of what's going on around her, it seemed she was still shocked, and couldn't get hold over what had just happened.

After Faris had agreed to marry her, Mr. Wani brought in the Imam inside the dressing room who originally came to read Nikkah between Akbar and Afira but instead it was Faris who had to take the oath in his absence. After the ritual, Mr. Dawood announced that just as planned, Afira will be departing tonight, but instead of going to Akbar's place, Mr. Dawood will be taking her along to his own house, and instructed to load all Afira's suitcases and belongings in their car. Mr. Dawood took this decision so that Mr. Wani didn't have to spend on the reception of Afira again, and he found it fit to free him from all kinds of wedding obligations.

Afira's family especially her mother tried to make a fuss about taking such a big decision so quickly, she wasn't keen on sending her daughter to some unknown people who she didn't even know. Mr. Dawood very humbly and submissively tried to assure her that they didn't have to worry about Afira and Faris will keep her happy, but when Mr. Wani saw how self-deprecatingly he was trying to give justifications for his son's character in front of people who were no match to Mr. Dawood's persona and status, he felt ashamed and that's when Mr. Wani stepped in and took a stand against all objection and criticism. He silenced his wife and told Mr. Dawood that he wasn't obligated to give any justification to anyone. After what happened with them tonight, instead of raising question, they should be thanking Mr. Dawood.

Once everyone's reservations were settled regarding this marriage, all their family members accompanied Afira to Faris's car. Faris had never pictured even in his dreams that his wedding reception would happen like this, where none of his relatives or friends would be present, where instead of wearing some fancy stitched groom's attire he would be wearing a suit he wore to go to the office every day, where there would be no family members awaiting for him at his home, where there would no fireworks and photo shoots. It's not that Faris care about such things, he didn't like showing off and wanted to keep things simple, but this was simple to the point of being furtive.

Reaching their house Afira noticed a plaque adjacent to the main gate on which Dawood's Residence was carved. Their house was the size of a manor, it was so massive that it took twenty seconds for Faris to drive from the main gate to their parking. Once they got inside, Mr. Dawood summoned all their house workers in the foyer area to introduce them to Afira. He introduced her to all the servants including housekeeper, maid, watchmen and cook.

"Meet Afira," Mr. Dawood said. "From now on she'll be staying in this house as Faris's wife and my daughter," he paused to emphasize on that last word. "You'll tend her in the same way you tend Faris, and I want you to ensure that all her needs are fulfilled and all her commands are followed. She is an integral part of this house now and I wish that you all try to make her comfortable around here."

After the monologue, he ordered housekeeper and watchmen to unload Afira's belongings from the trunk and shift them to Faris's room and instructed maid to settle Afira in that room. Then, he commanded the cook to make dinner for Faris and Afira as they hadn't eaten anything during the event. Once everyone was on their way, Mr. Dawood told Faris to meet him in his study.

When Faris entered Mr. Dawood's study space, he found him standing next to a curtained window. Mr. Dawood was tall and graceful old man who most often found in starched Kurta and a waistcoat. His neatly trimmed white beard and moustache, his slick white hair and his rectangular frameless spectacles gave him an austere and intimidating look. Because of his father's formidable nature, Faris used to keep distance from him but after his mother passed away and since he started taking care of their business, he became very close to him.

"Baba!" Faris called Mr. Dawood. "You wanted to talk to me?"

Seeing Faris, the complexion of Mr. Dawood face completely changed. He grinned with elation, reached Faris and embraced him into a tight hug.

"My son," he said excitedly which was very uncharacteristic of him. "You have no idea how much my head was lifted with pride tonight. Not only have you regarded my word in front of Mr. Wani but also saved a girl's honor. But don't misunderstand that I didn't comprehend the gravity of what I asked from you tonight."

Mr. Dawood walked behind his desk and sat on his boss chair while signaling Faris to sit opposite to him.

"Although I am feeling extremely happy yet very guilty as well. I realize that I've thrown you into a marriage for which you weren't ready, I realize that I've snatched your right to choose your life partner, I realize that instead of giving you time to think I forced your consent on gun point. I realize these things and there is no court of law in which I can justify what I've done with you tonight. From every angle, it was unfair and assertive. But before you jump to the conclusion that I am some egoistic maniac and the cruelest father of them all, I want you to listen to my account first."

"Throughout your life, I've set very high goals for you, goals so ambitious that no ordinary boy could even imagine achieving, but you've thrived on every single challenge I've thrown in front of you. First you prospered in your education and nailed your way into the best college of the country. After graduation, you were offered amazing job opportunities, but just on my insistence you joined our business, and even though initially I was skeptical how you are going to manage everything because you were inexperienced but through your hard-work and sheer dedication you've marched ahead and now at such young age you are not just a just part of our business but virtually running the show."

"You've always obeyed my wish, exceeding my every expectation and maybe I've been spoiled to the point that I've started taking you for granted. It's because of this flaw, that tonight I took a decision so big that no father would dare to make if he doesn't take so much pride in his son and trust him to a fault. If you've rejected that proposal tonight then I would be immensely sad but I wouldn't have made any complaints to you because it was your right to refuse, and now when you've agreed, I can't tell how much I owe you for this."

"Now coming to Afira, I want to make this clear that I didn't tie you up with her only because her marriage was broken and I become so blinded by my close friend's tragedy that I lost my mind completely. Choosing Afira as your wife was a sensible decision on my part and it wasn't something which occurred to me at the spur of the moment. I've been seeing Afira from very young age when I used to visit Mr. Wani's house. Just like you she was brilliant in her studies and she is studying law from one of the finest colleges. I've talked to her couple of times and found her a very smart and dignified girl."

"The idea of asking her hand from Mr. Wani came to my mind few times before but I've refrained because you weren't ready for marriage, but then eventually Mr. Wani called her wedding with Akbar."

"So tonight when she had to go through that trauma, I was extremely disheartened, because she didn't deserve to go through any of this. This lovely girl deserves much better in her life and that's why I had to make that call. I confess that my method was wrong, but trust me Faris my decision wasn't."

"I know I am asking too much from you once again, maybe this time my expectations is unreasonably harsh and have crossed all bounds, but the biggest reward you can give me in this life is to keep my promise which I made to this girl tonight; the promise that you will never let her down. Parents make all kinds of sacrifices for their children but here it's you who can do me the biggest favor I can ask for and if you manage to keep Afira happy, I'll stay indebted to you for the rest of your life."

Mr. Dawood pressed his hands together, making a begging gesture in front of his son. Embarrassed to see him begging in front of him, Faris immediately stood from his chair and held his father's hand into his own.

"I'll keep your promise, Baba," Faris assured his old father. "I'll try my best."

Leaving study, Faris went to the kitchen to ask their cook about dinner. He informed that he had sent the dinner tray for Afira and Faris in his room. Faris ascended the staircase; his room was last in the corridor. Just when he was about to knock on the door before entering, he heard noise of deep sobs. It was none other but Afira and the way she was weeping, it disturbed Faris.

He had a tough night ahead, because he was assigned to make this girl happy, but first he needed to stop her from crying.


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