listen to us

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(I'm alive ^^ sorry for not updating I was just stressed out because of School aka Hellhole)


"thanks for dropping me Hyunjin" "no problem sweetheart and if your step sisters hurt you call me I'll break their necks" I chuckled "they won't hurt me" he smiled and started his car "bye take care!" he said and left 

well yesterday night I went to his house . okay , don't thing something dirty I went there to meet his mother as I was really close to her when I was a kid and she treated me like her own daughter 

I sigh and rang the door bell and to my surprise Dahyun opened the door with a sweet smile on her face "oh you are back love, let me call them downstairs" "let me come in first" "oh sorry, you can go and change and then come to Nayeon unnie room, okay ?" "but why ?" her smile instantly dropped "why do u ask so many question" "I was just curious" she didn't say anything and went upstairs 


I went to my room and took a shower and changed my clothes and went to Nayeon room 

I sign and knocked on the door but no response so I again knocked and Mina opened the door and saw all of them inside 

"umm...why did you call me here ?" I asked " you spending the day with us" Jihyo replied "HUH?? why would I spend my day with you after knowing you all were plaining to kidnap me" "about that Y/N you should listen to us first" Sana said 

"what are you going to say that I misheard what you all were talking about I clearly heard my name "

I was angry at them so angry I mean they are suppose to see me as their sister but how can they see me like that 

"Y/N shut up or we will cross the line" Nayeon warned me but me being stubborn 

"why should I shut up !! I'm going back" 

I turned back and was about to leave when someone suddenly hold my wrist and injected something on my neck 

I felt that person back hugging me 

"you are not going anywhere sweetheart, you are staying with us forever and you have no choice darling "  

I heard Mina whispering in my ear and then everything went black

(sorry for so short update I hope I didn't disappoint you this time, anyways I was so busy in school that I didn't got the time to update but here it is , I'll update soon <3)

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