Chapter 9 - Personal Servants

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Cain cast his gaze upon the two individuals before releasing a weary sigh. "Get up. I don't require your apologies. It was partly my fault as well, so there's no need to burden yourselves with self-reproach." However, the two remained knelt on the ground, unyielding. "Tch... Very well." A glimmer of attention returned to them as they heard this.

"Your punishment, shall serve me." The weight of Cain's words settled in as the two processed his statement. "Huh?" Both found themselves in a state of utter bewilderment. How could serving an arrogant young master be considered punishment? Hiro, taken aback, protested, "But isn't this rather mild. . .?"

"Would you prefer that my elder brother disciplines you then?" Cale's eyes suddenly glinted as he shifted his focus towards them. Hazel turned her gaze to Hiro, gripping his shoulder, playfully, eliciting a grunt from him. Hiro's eyes met Hazel's, his astonishment evident. "Young Master Cain, it would be my privilege to serve you." Hazel rose, offering a bow of respect toward Cain, and Hiro promptly followed suit. "I am at your command, Young Master Cain."

Cain responded with an amused smirk before uttering, Very well, join us for a cup of tea. "Very well, now join us for a cup of tea. If you're not fond of tea, you can inquire with Billos, and he'll make alternative arrangements. We'll be remaining here until afternoon." With his attention back to the book, Cain resumed gently patting the dog nestled in his lap.

The twins' return to the estate together sent shockwaves throughout the county. How could they not be astonished? The twins, who hadn't exchanged words for years, came home side by side. The common belief had been that they held a typical rivalry, befitting noble siblings. Their unexpected camaraderie surprised everyone.

Upon entering their residence, the two bid each other farewell, promising to repeat the experience on another occasion.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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