emerson (em & emmy) moore
face claim is your choicejavon wanna walton as ASHTRAY
zendaya as RUE
sydney sweeney as CASSIE
alexa demie as MADDY
barbie ferreira as KAT
angus cloud as FEZCO
and the rest of the cast as whoever they play:)enjoy
angus cloud
july 10th, 1998 - july 31st 2023🕊️
angus cloud, a friend, family and more. he was so loved and will continue being loved. as he passed away July 31st 2023. he made many people laugh, smile, and more things. forever will remmeber him, as he lit up a room, and made people's days. as i write this book and watch the show. i'll remember him forever. as he wasn't just fezco, he was a person. rest easy, as he is now with his best friend.
prayers and love to his mother, family & friends.
<3if your struggling with mental health, anything else. my dms are open. :)
Actionhe took something away from her, but she saved him from getting ruined and couldn't help but fall in love ashtray book season 1 episodes 4-8 season 2 episodes 1-8