◈The Beginnings of a Deep Echo◈

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--- Five Years Earlier ---

Torch Key was a small port town south of the Aithelon castle. The grey cobblestone streets and red brick buildings gave off a charming appeal with a sense of rich history. But with history comes hidden secrets, dark and twisted that only some are brave enough to see.  

Hongjoong strolled down one of Torch Key's moonlit streets, listening to the nightly sounds around him, a bottle of rum in his hand.

Merchants were packing up their stalls, the aroma of bread, fruits, and spices still lingering in the air. Music flowed from the tavern around the corner, the patrons singing and laughing, drinking their worries away.

A black carriage wheeled past Hongjoong, spraying dirty rainwater onto his leather boots, angry voices coming from inside.

"When I find that bastard, I'm going to rip him limb from limb," a man seethed.

"Don't worry, sir. We'll find him," another man said reassuringly before their voices became muffled in the distance.

Hongjoong clicked his tongue, staring down at his boots in disgust. But the state of his footwear only held his interest for a few short moments, the overheard conversation taking precedent.

A smirk formed on his lips as Hongjoong raised the bottle of rum to his mouth.

"Curious," he muttered before continuing on his journey.

Despite the drink already in his hand, Hongjoong pushed open the door of the tavern, immediately struck by the stench of spilled alcohol and stale tobacco.

A man in the corner was playing a jolly tune on the piano, a young woman's voice accompanying the music. Most of the patrons were joyful in their drink, loud and unbothered. A few were a couple drinks away from starting a fight.

Hongjoong made his way over to the barkeep, tossing the man a small coin pouch.

"How many bottles will that purchase me?" Hongjoong asked, taking a swig of his rum.

The barkeep looked at the bottle already in Hongjoong's hand before meeting his eyes again, eyebrow raising.

"One bottle not enough?"

"Is it ever?"

The barkeep laughed, pocketing the coin pouch.

"Will we have the pleasure of serving you here?"

"I have a small crew waiting on my ship, so I was hoping to have it all return with me." Hongjoong produced another coin pouch. "If that service costs extra, simply let me know."

Waving the extra payment off, the barkeep called for a teenage boy, who ran over immediately.

"Follow this gentleman with a crate of five bottles of rum to his location. Best be quick about it."

"Yes, sir."

"I appreciate the help," Hongjoong stated as the boy ran off to fetch the bottles. Once he returned, struggling under the weight of the full crate, he followed Hongjoong out of the tavern and off toward the dock. "Is that uncomfortable to carry?" Hongjoong asked as they walked.

"Not at all, sir," the boy lied, struggling to maintain his smile.

Without another word on the matter, Hongjoong grabbed two of the bottles from the crate to carry on his own. Once they reached Hongjoong's ship, he motioned for the boy to set the crate on the ground, which the boy did with a sigh of relief. Then he looked up at the ship truly for the first time, and the boy's eyes went wide.

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