Chapter 1- Introduction

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You were at the S.H.E.I.L.D headquarters trying to get some work done, when all of a sudden Fury walks into your office. "Y/N I have a new mission for you." He said.
"What kind of mission?" You asked. Fury walked over to you and placed a file on the table. "Hydra base, there's a file somewhere in the base about S.H.E.I.L.D, you will leave tomorrow at 3:45 in the afternoon, by the way you will be going with Agent Romanoff. Don't be late." He said.
"Okay, sounds good to me." You replied. Fury then walked out the door, You picked up the files and had a look what you had to deal with. After a while of looking you walked out of your office since you're shift was over. You started to head out of the building, as you were walking Nat came over to you. "Hey Stark." Said Nat.
"Hey." You said back. As you guys walked you were talking about the mission, "Are you heading to the compound?" You asked.
"Yeah, Why?" She replied.
"Oh just wondering, I have to meet my dad there so I was wondering if I could have a ride with you?" You said.
"Yeah, of course you can." She replied.
You both got into the car and drove to the compound. You just stare at Nat, after 10 minutes of driving you guys arrive.
Once you get out of the car you thank Nat and go to find you're dad.

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