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      YOSHIYUKI pulled the chair out from under his table and sat on it. He clasped his hands together and rested his head on top of them. He looked at (Y/N) who had her arms crossed, sitting on the sofa in front of his desk. He smiled at her.

"What the fuck," she said in an agitated tone, making sure to pronounce every word slowly and clearly.

Yoshiyuki chuckled, "I'm sorry."

Her eyebrow twitched, "You could've sent Tanari or Zenaku instead!"

"I had my reasons," Yoshiyuki said with a small chuckle.

"What 'reasons' exac-"

"-You relate to him."

(Y/N) blinked before she furrowed her eyebrows. "I do not."

"You do," Yoshiyuki sighed out. "And because of that, it'll make the job easier."

A brow was raised, "You're joking, right? How the hell is this going to make my job easier? I'm going to be sticking around a danger magnet, obviously I'm going to get involved! Not to mention the fact that my family will be up my ass once they know I'm siding with the one guy they wanted me to kill!"

Yoshiyuki leaned back on his chair. He moved his clasped hands to his lap, he still had that smile on as he looked at (Y/N). "Are you afraid?"


"Then why is this a problem?"


"You were supposed to counter-attack it." (Y/N) sighed as she tucked her arms inside the pockets of her coat.

Atsushi, who was on the ground, frowned. He sat up and placed a hand over his chest, where the attack hit him, as his other hand laid flat on the ground to support his body.

"It was too fast for me," he said. "I didn't even see it coming."

(Y/N) pulled her hands out of her pocket and crossed her arms over her chest. She raised a brow, "You expect your enemies to attack you in slow-motion, then?"

"Not in that way," Atsushi said as he stood up, dusting his pants and his arms. "We're just a week in training, I can't catch up with you."

"Your enemies won't wait for you to get stronger, in fact, they like it when their opponent is weak and vulnerable." (Y/N) picked up a pebble and threw it in the air. She caught it before it could touch the ground. "It gives them the upper hand."

She placed in on top of her thumb and readied her index finger behind the small rock. She aimed at the tree behind the boy and flicked the rock towards the tree. In just a couple of seconds, a loud thud was heard.

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