part 3

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"mommy." i hear a small voice call me. i slowly open my eyes and see ryleigh standing in front of me with the sun shining on her

"hey baby." i say half asleep

"can we go swimming?" she asks. i lean over and check the clock. it's already 8:30.

"later ry. wanna lay with me?" i ask. i'm still exhausted and seriously cannot get up right now. she nods so i scoot back and make room for her. she lays right up against me. i feel joe come closer and wrap his arm around both of us. i slowly go back sleep.

i wake up a little later to being alone in the bed. i see it's ten o'clock. i get up and put on a pair of joes pajama pants that i found on the couch in the room because they are more appropriate than the shorts i'm wearing. i leave the t shirt on that shows just a bit of my waist and brush my teeth and hair. i go downstairs and find ryleigh and joe cooking in the kitchen.

"mommy, look! i'm cooking!" ryleigh says excitedly as she's standing on a chair while joe is holding her waist to make sure she doesn't fall.

"wow ryleigh! what a big girl!" i exclaim and go over to kiss her cheek which makes her giggle.

"ok ry, the eggs look done." joe says and takes the pan off the stove and turns it off.

"come here baby, let's wash these hands." i say and pick her up and walk over to the sink where i help her wash her hands. i then take her over to her place at the table where she sits as joe brings her a plate with eggs, fruit and bacon on it.

i go make a cup of coffee when i feel arms wrap around my waist.

"these pants look oddly familiar." he whispers in my ear making me laugh slightly as he runs his fingers along the waistline

"they look better on me." i joke confidently

"you make everything look better." he says and i turn around and give him a kiss and he deepens it.

"mommy, daddy come eat with me." ryleigh says making us break away.

we go sit down and eat with her.

"daddy i want to go swimming today." ryleigh announces

"i think we can make that happen." joe says making ryleigh smile big.

"maddie went swimming last night with her friends but it was too late." she says. madison must've went swimming after she put ryleigh to bed, which is totally fine, but ryleigh just felt left out.

as we eat, madison comes in with her friends.

"thank you for having us." her friends say

"anytime!" i say happily. "would you guys like anything to eat?" i ask and they collectively say they are ok but thank me. they are all so polite and kind people.

madison walks them out and comes back to the kitchen.

"mads, come eat with us, there's plenty of food." i say

"no, i'm fine, i'm going back to bed." she states and walks out of the kitchen. she's obviously exhausted, i can't even guess what time they went to bed.

after we finished breakfast, we clean up and i take ryleigh upstairs to change. i put her into a blue ruffle bikini and put her hair into two dutch braids. she watches tv in mine and joes room as i put on a white bikini and joe puts on some swim shorts.

we get downstairs and go outside.

"mommy i want my goggles!" ryleigh says as we go outside.

"ok princess, i'll go grab them." i say and walk to the pool house as joe puts sunscreen on ryleigh

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