it's okay just breathe

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request from:   lu_likes_you


~onomadek's pov~

I walk out onto a stage with lots of people in the audience I wave and introduce myself before handing over the mic to pipa. I walk out of the tent as pipa starts to go on with the rules a bit more so eepop had the time come on stage when ready. I notice eepop in the dressing room looking nervous "what's the matter eepop?" I ask in a simpathdic voice walking up to her "I'm just nervous what-what if they don't like me?!" she chocks on her words as tears fill up her eyes and start rolling down her cheeks. I wipe a tear off her face "hey hey hey it's okay it's okay" I try to comfort but it didn't really work. I look around for a bit spotting a plushie of me it belonged to eepop; she used it as if it was a stess toy. I always thought it was kinda cute I walk over to the plushie and pick up. "catch" I say to eepop throwing her the plushie which he hugs tightly calming her breathing down slightly from what I could see. "see it's okay eepop just breathe" I say walking over to her. I sit down next to her a rub her back in a comforting way. "thank you onomadek" reply eepop as she hugs me and gives me a quick peck on the cheek before running off to introduce herself. My face turns red.

a/n: hey sorry I haven't updated in so long I have just been really busy and yes this was very rushed.

word count: 268

^^popee x kedamono/eepop x onomadek^^oneshots^^Where stories live. Discover now