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!! second pov | slight nsfw, rosie's got some issues (i'm being generous by saying that)

Rosalyne didn't know when it started for her.

She'd been there throughout your low points in high school, your highs after. Applied to the same college as you, not because wanted to but because she needed to. After all, she couldn't let you go and forget about her. Not that she was worried about that. Actually, that was the least of Rosalyne's worries..until now.

Your silenced giggles with Arlecchino half way across the library were starting to flow her way. Ugh, that bitch. She hated the way Arlecchino could step in and take you so swiftly from her. No, no she wouldn't allow that. You were hers after all, you had no right to be anywhere near another woman! Well, that's what she thought anyway.

Rosalyne didn't know why but hearing your stupid giggles made a part of her angry. Clutching her book hard until her knuckles turned paler than they already were.

"Someone's jealous~"

Her head snaps over, a scoff falling from her lips at the sight of a familiar librarian. "Go away. I'm busy."

"Busy what? Breaking my books with how hard your clutching them?" Lisa snickers and hides it poorly behind her hand. "My my, Rosie. I've never seen you this upset over a girl."

"Don't call me that," Rosalyne hisses, roughly shoving her book into its place. As she reached for another, her eyes flickered over in the direction where you were, and then back to Lisa. "And i'm not upset."

Lisa raises a brow, Rosalyne grumbles. "It's just ridiculous," There it is. "That smooth talking tall fuck walks into her life and just—!"

"Takes her?" Lisa hums and leans on her hand. "Rosie, if I didn't know any better i'd say you were jealous."

Rosalyne spares her a scoff, shoving another book into its place. Lisa's eyes softly narrow, as if silently reprimanding her. "Jealous of Arlecchino? As if. I'm the one whose known Y/n since she was a freshman. Not her."

"Yeah?" Lisa tilts her head, knowing Rosalyne will continue to complain. She does.

"No one knows Y/n like me!" She mutters, picking up another book. She waves it. "I know just what to say to her to make her weak, I know her most sensitive spots, I know how embarrassed she gets when—"

Lisa grimaces and raises a hand. "You can leave out the details."

Rosalyne rolls her eyes. "Point is, I know Y/n. That ass knows nothing."

Watching the blonde continue to mutter under her breath, Lisa sighs softly and crossed her arms. "Ok then, Miss Y/n-know-it-all," She wags a finger her way, catching Rosalyne's attention. "What is Y/n majoring in, again?"

"Why does that matter?"

Lisa raises a brow, and Rosalyne looks away. She hums. "Tell me, Rosie, do you even know when her birthday is?"

Rosalyne crosses her arms. "Of course I do." When Lisa gives her a look however, she looks to the floor. "I don't see why any of this matters. We're just messing around anyway—"

"Rosalyne," Lisa's tone makes the blonde instantly look up, only catching a deep frown and narrowed eyes. "Don't let me catch you saying that ever again."

Rosalyne's brows knit together. "And just what exactly is your problem?"

"You talk about her like she's an object," Lisa looks in disbelief. "..You don't even realize that, do you? You went on and on about how much you knew her in bed..and when I asked you a simple question you couldn't even answer."

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