Excuse Me !!

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It's the first week of August, Friendship Day is around the corner, and everyone is celebrating at a cafe cutting cake, wearing friendship bands and all.

Karishma's pov

Here,  I am all alone having my coffee, staring at them, and mumbling why you guys are showing off it's just a day what's a big deal?

Blah Blah...... It's not that I don't believe in it, it's just that I've never felt this all my life (last 25 years).  Yes, I am 25 and I didn't find a single friend for whom I could say those lines.

And the thing is,  I don't have time to waste on such things, I am my own busy with my work, well this is the best excuse I had whenever someone asked me about my friends.

I worked as a Sub-inspector ( SI ) in a women's police station. It's been 4 years and this job is the only thing I have in the name of a relationship, either friendship or love. I am committed to my uniform.

Almost done with my coffee.....looking at my phone,  Someone interferes

Hey,  stranger. Are you alone,  can I sit over there? 

No,  I am waiting for... Before I could complete she sat beside me and said thank you.

Well, I am done with my coffee, be comfortable I need to go... I said

I am new here,  I don't know anyone, so, can you please be there with me for 10 minutes, just 10 minutes? She asked !

Okay,  ten minutes!  Make it fast. I replied.

She smiled and nodded.

Hi, I am Sania, I am a teacher, just posted here. And you
(She has a continuous smile on her face every time she speaks,  oh.. god she is so annoying)

Ten..... She waited for my reply

Ten minutes over. Bye " I got up and about to turn "

At cafe
Someone pulls a gun towards the cafe owner and holds him captive Before I could do anything, the gunman got shot in his leg and he was down on the ground crying with pain.

Before I took my gun, Sania walked past me with the gun in her hand towards the gunman, ( she looked different,  confident, with no smile at all ) you are under arrest...  Wait,  Is she said.... No,  she is a teacher, how can she...
The police came and took him with them.
I put my gun on her and questioned her who is she,  why a teacher had the gun, and why would she shoot him.  Who are you???  These questions are all over my mind,  right from the shot to the gun pointing at her.

Hiii,  I am Hassena Malik SHO ( station house officer ) ... She replied with a high and firm tone. I got some tips about the gunman, so I changed my identity as a teacher so that I could nab him.
(She looks totally different, from what she looked like 10 minutes ago) She looks fiery.

Jai hind ma'am, SI Karishma Singh, reporting ma'am.  I salute..

Karishma Singh, right... Again she smiles....

Yes ma'am.  ... All I could say

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