chapter 01

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Colleges exams! Finally over, that is a relief! I can go back to my dorm and start watching all those BL dramas again. OH my god, these traffic lights take forever to change. When do I get to cross?! ughhhh! I'm having the greatest day of my life, please let me go!

“ouch!” what the hell was that? Oh, it’s a book and it’s muddy.

“Hey little buddy, what are you doing here?” I asked.

Hi, My name is V and i just finished my college exams, but while I was on my way to my dorm , I encountered a book covered with mud.  Books are like another universe, it has all sort of imperfect humans like us trying to live their lives, the best way they can. Most of us read books to leave this universe and enter another, while some read to find a companion or find someone to repair their broken heart.


“Okay! You’re all set! OMG!” I say surprised, this book looks amazing! It has a beautiful red cover with something written in another language, a black thread attached behind the book to.. I don’t know to have as a bookmark I guess? I’ve seen many books left by their owners and most of these books still haven’t met their owner,  I look after books that do not have a owner or who lost their owner.

“ I wonder what page the thread is placed on?”  I questioned while turning to the exact page where the thread was placed.

The page said;

Dear myself,
Life has been crazy! Everything that I do, everyone that I date , everywhere I go!!! UGH!!!! why am I so unlucky? This is how my life is meant to be? Why am I the only person hurting? Why is everyone else having their best lives while I’m suffering just to get by through one day?
I met a lady today at the subway, she looked at me and told me that one day if she meets me again to remind her that bad luck was on it’s way! I didn’t even understand what she meant but I said okay with a smile! Oh! Did I tell you? I lost my job! The only one job that I had! I lost it! All my hard work, for nothing? I might as well jus

I might as well jus.. what? What do you want to do? I don’t know anything about this person. Who is he? Or her? Why does my brain always read books in male voice! I’m a girl! Shouldn’t the voice be female? Oh, who cares!

“V! you’re in there?” That was Day, she’s my bestie!

I opened the front door.

“Heyyyyy” I said, Day! My bestie! My superwoman! I’m really not in a happy mood right now , I’ve lost my energy after reading that page! Man, that book can mess you up really bad!

“Um… Vvvvvv! Where are you? Are you in your thoughts again? I asked you a question!”

I looked straight at her and there she was, sitting on my bed with the street book on her hands with the first page on display.

“Oh! I’m sorry. What were you saying?” I questioned.

“ what’s this? Another book with no owner? V! I know you love books and stuff but seriously, you got to stop this! Picking up random books and returning them back to their owners is not your life purpose, we both know that.”

Not again about life purpose, I don’t even know my life purpose, I started thinking that my life purpose was to do all my college exams properly and get my degree but now, I have no clue. I’ll be graduating in 5 months and what happens then? Life purpose? What a load of crap!

“V! Are you listening? Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you about this, okay?”
She stood up and came near me.

“Listen, I’m telling you this, cause I care! I care about you more than anything. I cant force you but I can advice you. Please do the right thing, V.”

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