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Mostly fluff! Maybe- just maybe a little smut ('-ω-')

Where Miles, Gwen, Pavitr, and Hobie get invited to a party!


I see a note slipped under my door saying: "Party at my dorm in a few - (person)"

"Hell yeah." I slightly yell before going over to Pavitr's room.

"Pav? Ya wanna go to this uh- party with me?" I ask, leaning on the door frame.

He puts his book down and looks at me. "Hm, sure."

I nod, turning around and going to my room to pick out an outfit for the party.

(what he's wearing- ik it looks basic lmao but it's like the only good one I could find

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(what he's wearing- ik it looks basic lmao but it's like the only good one I could find. so yeah)

As I finish up my eyeshadow I head out into the kitchen to quickly make a cup of tea.

I plop myself onto the the island as I wait for the tea to finish when Pavitr comes out of his room.

I plop myself onto the the island as I wait for the tea to finish when Pavitr comes out of his room

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(wearing smth like this- lol)

"Hobie, stop staring and get off the counter." He says as I just realize that I had been staring at him for at least two minutes.

"Yeah, right, sorry." I stumble over my words slightly and hop off of the counter, getting the tea and drinking some.

"So," He starts as he walks closer to me. "Ready to go to the party?"

I nodded, putting the cup in the sink as I turn to look at him.

"Yeah, let's go." I say as I begin walking to the door, opening it.

I let out a small chuckle as Pavitr walks to the door as I hold it. "Ladies first."

He shoots a death glare at me before walking out the door, I follow him and close the door, locking it before we begin heading towards the dorm that's holding the party.


As we arrive to the party, Miles and Gwen are already there and we walk over to them.

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