Act one : Chapter three : Enchanted

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Peaceful strokes of sunlight broke through the wisteria and cherry blossom trees that surrounded the Ubuyashiki estate, and the birds gleefully sang their morning songs.

The estate was surrounded by a silent, calm atmosphere yet the small patter of feet could be heard now and again, people running about making arrangements for the day

After you had arrived the night before, you and your husband had slept embraced in each other's warm and welcoming arms, not moving an inch throughout the night.

You hummed gently, running your pale thin hand across his jaw and into his soft hair, playing with his long ebony locks. You twirled every strand gently into a perfect style.

"Your hair has grown longer since the last time I saw you," You remarked, patting his head.

The two of you were sitting on the wooden engawa, watching the sunrise like you always used to. The sun glistened and reflected off each of your pale skins, creating a warm and cosy feeling. His soft head laid on your lap as you ran your hands along his body.

You continued humming a sweet melody as your hands began to move across his head, reaching just below his scarred face, pressing a gentle kiss to his button nose, he sighed, looking up at you through lidded eyes.

Kagaya smiled, reaching up to pull you closer to himself, pressing his lips softly against yours

Your eyes softened, bringing a calloused hand to cradle his cheek as you both stared into each other's longing eyes, smiling through the kiss

As you pulled back, you smiled softly at him. Your finger dragged slowly across your bottom, cracked lip. You had forgotten what his lips felt like on your own, and your chest felt light as you relished in the feeling.

You then began sliding your finger over his lips, letting the pad gently run across them, making him grin. Your finger began to travel back to the scar, tracing the newer scar that had grown over the period you were away.

You looked down at him, sorrow filled your eyes. You tucked a strand of hair behind his ear, "darling...." He murmured, closing his eyes,

Your hand went back to gently tracing his scar, "Yes my lo-"

In a flash you withdrew your hand, your eyes widening as he hissed in pain and winced away from your touch,

Your eyes widened with shock, your hand trembled with guilt, and a feeling of upset sank in your stomach, "My love, why did you not tell me?" You tenderly questioned, cupping his cheeks as you looked down at him, his soft purple eyes gazed back tensely. Your eyes glossed over with tears, "I'm so sorry" you whispered hoarsely,

"It's alright, better me than you" He chuckled, his voice now hoarse and rough.

He smiled up innocently, wrapping an arm around your torso, "I didn't want to worry you, besides I am not in pain" He hid his face in your yukata, nuzzling into your warmth

Tsking, you carefully wrapped your hand around a few strands of his hair, before harshly tugging him upwards, making him wince a little more.

The look on your face told him everything, from the furrow in your brow to the grimace on your lips and your tearful eyes.

He chuckled nervously, rubbing where you had pulled in comfort, "Hehe, If I can explai-"

"Do not lie to me Aya." You snap "You always seem to forget what our parents did to try and relieve you of the pain" You tried not to let a small tear escape from your eye, but to no avail it did

"I would never forget that, Y/N. I am sorry for what they did to you" A sad look etched onto his face, and he brought a hand up to your cheek, wiping away the tears.

⌑ You closed your eyes so I could see ⌑ Kagaya Ubuyashiki ⌑ Discontinued ⌑Where stories live. Discover now