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"Y/n, baby...wanna come to the interview with me?" A kind voice I love asks. "Hm" I groan and roll over "I'll take that as a no" Duff laughs softly. I hear him stumbling around the room and the sink turn on. "Bye babe" Duff says kissing my cheek but I pull him down onto me. "Y/n/n (your nickname) I'm already late I gotta go.." He says and I hear the smile on his face. "Okay..I love you Duffy" I say softly "I love you more" He says then leaving. I lay in bed but I can't go back to sleep. I eventually get up and close the blinds, then turn out the lights. I turn on the TV to see Duff answering questions from a phone. With the number on the screen I got an idea. I picked up the phone and dialed the number.

I turn down the TV and Duff picks up the phone. "Duff! I'm your biggest fan!" I exclaim in a high pitched voice. "The question I wanted to ask is, Who's your girlfriend? And why is she hiding from the public?" I ask still in a high pitched voice all while testing him. "Oh well my girlfriend is very beautiful, but she's a little camera shy. I can't give you her name just yet because we'll do a big photoshoot, revealing who she is" He pauses then whispers into the phone "I know it's you babe" While pointing to the camera. I squeal then hang up the phone. I sit on the couch and watch the rest of the interview thing. It was a bunch of girls asking if they had a chance and then guys who had actual questions.

Watching it was fun but I was hungry. I go to Axl and Slash's room to see Slash in his boxers sprawled out on a bed and Axl watching TV. "Hey Y/N, what's up?" Axl asks "I don't know. Were you watching Duffs interview thing?" I ask "yea, I really wonder who that girl was asking about you" Axl wonders "it was me!" I laugh and he laughs along. We talk a bit more and I tell him that I'm hungry. We went down to the lobby to see that they had free breakfast! How amazing right? Anyways we are there and talked some. "Hi Baby" A voice says from behind me making me jump. I feel lips on my cheek and I turn to face Duff "hi babe!" I say Happily as Axl watches us kiss. "Okay love birds I'm leaving" He says.

I pull away to see Axl puting his plate in the garage and I get up to do the same. "So how was the interview thing?" I ask "oh good I guess but you made it better" Duff smiles. "Oh my god! It's Duff Mckagan and his girlfriend!" I hear a girl scream. Me and Duff look at eachother then, run away up the stairs. We get to our room and lock the door with both locks. "I hate them sometimes" Duff says referring to the paparazzi, and fans. "It's okay" I say then kiss Duff passionately. He slides his tongue into my mouth. I moan softly and run my fingers through his hair. I push him onto the bed and straddle his hips. I rock my hips on his and he slides his hands up my thighs to my hips. I take off Duffs shirt and kiss his neck and chest.

Then, I unbuttoned his pants "Duff, I need you so bad." I whisper then, kissing his neck more. Duff slides his hands up my shirt to take it off. He grabs my boobs roughly causing me to moan. He flips us over and takes my shirt off. "Hey guys, you need to get ready- god damnit!" I hear Axl exclaim. "Fuck!" I exclaim angrily "it's okay we can continue later" Duff says softly in my ear. "Okay, well get ready for the concert" Axl says then leaving. "I need you so bad Duff" I whine. Duff gets off of me and goes to change. 'he's just gonna leave me?' I think to myself "I'm sorry babydoll" Duff says from the bathroom. I walk in with my clothes and change while Duff watches in Awe. When we're both done getting ready we walk down to the lobby.

"Ready?" Axl asks with girls surrounding him. "Where the hell he'd pull those out from?" I ask Duff, referring to the 3 girls. "The STD clinic" he says laughing and I laugh along. We walk out to the bus hand in hand to see Steven sleeping on the couch. "Charging up" I say pointing at Steven with a smile on my face. "Duffy we have our bunk..." I say quietly while smirking. "Your so hot.." He whispers and walks me to the bunk. I take off my shoes and crawl into the bed with Duff following. "Babe I need you so bad" I whisper and Duff groans then, kisses my neck. "Everyone ready?" Axl's loud voice asks "yea!" I yell then kiss Duff. I flip me and Duff over and rock my hips against his.

Shake Me (Duff Mckagan) 14 Chapters.Where stories live. Discover now