Chapter 1

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Tommy POV

My body is so sore! I opened my eyes to see that most of it was covered in untreated Bruises, cuts, stab wounds, burn marks from the explosions and old scars the biggest one was the huge smiley face on my back almost covering it all

My left leg is broken as well as some of my ribs from the kicking, my face has a few cuts, scrapes and burns but they don't cover a lot mostly around left eye down to my jaw line and up to my hair line it was a 3rd degree I am pretty sure I got up and winced as the coldness of the wind and dirt of the ground touching my feet as my shoes were broken and missing a few bits

I make it to the spot where shroud was hiding in I climbed up the tree using my claws wincing as my left leg hit the tree soon I made it to the top of the fake leaves of the tree soon a hiss and a jump was what I was greeted with I opened my eyes and my left one was blurry so I closed it "hello shroud" I said my voice was raspy and sore from the screaming he hugged me I wrapped my arms around him Shroud snuggling into my arms being careful of the cuts on them

A hiss broke out "W-we can't leave!" I said shocked and worried "we have nowhere to go!" I explained to Shroud but he wasn't having it another hiss got my attention "we can't, techie will hurt me!" I said holding onto me another hiss got my attention "he is my brother but I Betrayed him..." Another hiss came from Shroud as he stood up in front of me "I guess so....if he gives me another chance..." I said Looking down "okay! Shroud grab your stuff!"

Shroud grabbed his food and climbed onto my back I climbed down the tree and landing on my broken leg but I didn't care, I only ran and ran until I felt the cold hit my body and the snow falling onto me as I pressed forward my feet sinking into the deep snow I pushed on until I fell and the cold finally hitting me Shroud got off my back and ran over somewhere...? I felt something touch my back? Who...? I couldn't see anything as the darkness finally hit me in the face

Technoblade POV

I was checking up on my horse Carl when I heard hisses and I grabbed my axe but something grabbed my leg I looked down it was a spider hybrid "help! Please help mama!!!" He was crying pointing at the lump in the snow I picked him up and put him on my shoulders as I ran over to the lump I picked it up "Tommy?" I said noticing the wounds "mama!" The spider said Looking worried at Tommy "tommy is a mother?" I was confused as I carried him to my house and put him down on my lounge as I got my Bandages out and almost wrapped his whole body but the left side of his face

The spider Hasn't left his side I noticed the blood pouring out of his head and the tail bone soon I wiped off the blood noticing the two raccoon ears that were growing out and the baby tail they were quickly growing more blood pouring out I quickly wiped it until it stopped and they were bigger than before but still not fully grown as well as the tail

The color was the same color as his hair the spider was holding onto his arm the whole time eating his food next to him 'since when was Tommy a mother?!' that was one of huge questions going around in my head when Phil and Ghostbur came inside "Tommy?!" Dadza said before running over to him "what happened to him!?" He asked "I don't know he was just passed out in the snow near my house and the spider warned me" I said "also I have a question myself spider, why did you say you were Tommy's child?" The two were dumbfounded at this point

"Because he is Mama!" He said holding onto the arm of the sleeping boy "who is the dad?!" Ghostbur asked the spider looked confused then he looked down "dream..." He said Looking at his 'mama' who was waking up "s-shroud?" Tommy asked and Immediately grabbed him "Tommy!" He Flinched and looked at us "techie..?" He said with fear in his eyes I was shocked when was the last time I heard that nickname?

"Tommy you have explaining to do" Dadza said sitting down I front of him he grabbed his hands as the shroud was in his lap now "number 1, who is the father of Shroud?" Tommy looked down "I d-didn't want to!" Tommy had tears in his eyes now "I DIDN'T WANT TO!!" Tommy was full of bawling at this point "dream!" Shroud spoke we all looked at him "daddy is....dream" that got our attention "did dream do this?" Tommy only nodded and hugged Shroud closer

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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